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Latecommers reclaiming

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8 years ago
I have slow PC/crashed/something happened/whatever. I come a minute or two late. As a resoult I have my factory (and sometimes even commander) reclaimed. Should the guy be banned?

I mean, os really trading 250 metal for spoling whoel experience of a player, or even making him go away, worth it? I have seen it a couple of times lastly (and happened ot me a few times aswell).
+1 / -0
Go buy a decent PC PLrankFailer, 1k$ and problem solved
hell. u can even get a smooth zk experience with half of this
if you do not respect this community by playing from shit hardware do not expect they gonna respect you
+2 / -6

8 years ago
dont play clusterfuck, this shit doesnt happen in proper games
+5 / -0
8 years ago
Firepluk if i had decent pc id be playing fallout 4, x com, or tes online, not be stuck with douchebags.
Sprung, small teams rarerly happen.
+0 / -2

8 years ago
people can do whatever they want with shit that is gifted to them, its theirs
+1 / -2

8 years ago
It's more of a "loan" than a "gift", really.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
But you never know if dropped player will ever come back, so it often is a permanent loan.
+2 / -0
When it happens at start, you can well assume the other player just has a longer loading time. If you start reclaiming, I guess the team should simply kick you.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Never seen it happen, but sounds super lame.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Failer are you sure u cant play games u mentioned? ZK is one of the most power hungry games I ever played.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I have a pretty dope pc that can play anything on max but I keep coming back to ZK because the gameplay is so variable. XCOM 2 is honestly just a distraction from ZK.
+0 / -0
wolas unfortunately my pc is 8.5YO, and even tho it can easly run GTA IV on higher-medium (at least it could a year or so ago), it can't coope with Spring 100.0 (or 101.0 is the used now?) engine. All 90 engines were fine, 100 just takes ages to load. Well I guess I coudl run Fallout4 and GTA V on ultra-low if I got myself additional 4GB Ram, but I don't bother as I'm planning to buy a new computer soon (nope RUrankFirepluk, not today).

if you do not respect this community by playing from shit hardware do not expect they gonna respect you

Pay2Win, ya? (Or rather Pay or be reclaimed)
+0 / -0
Never seen it happen, but sounds super lame.

So it's....
+5 / -0
Actually, I found engine 100 and 101 also have long pathcache and load times, so much so that I moved my ZK installation to my SSD to be able to load it in a timely fashion.
+0 / -0