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Defence ranges

6 posts, 695 views
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I was scouting with gremlins and though about a UI feature I'd want: to show decloak radius permanently, but unfortunately I haven't found it in settings, insted found some weird thing. the following screenshots show it. i checked the option Settings/Interface/Defence_Ranges/Show_selected_units(s)_range(s).
the lines are too thin and too pale.
Is it a problem with my graphics card?
also I have no idea why the commander has so many ranges, and i still cant see permanently decloak radius, nano radius, etc (the most important ones). they are visible only when i press shift hovering a unit. but i cant always do it while sneaking beetween enemy lotuses.
one screenshot shows crazy amount of ranges when i select a com, they all are black. another shows swift range.
you can see swift attack range on the left. actually there are two ranges, im not sure what the smaller one is.
does anyone have the same?
+0 / -0
I just made a better one. This one is small and simple w/o all these bullshit. It even adds its own options into settings (Settings/Interface/Decloak Ranges).
+6 / -0

9 years ago
wow, thank you, RUrankbanana_Ai, I'm using it now. very clean. also it helps me to get familiar with widget coding more
+0 / -0
can it be official?
i see no reasons why not
+3 / -0
8 years ago
M-m-may I commit it into Zero-K/master?
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Looks like a decent widget. To ask, make a PR.
+1 / -0