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Zero-K v1.4.2.13 - Dynamic Commander Balance

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9 years ago

The community has done great work over the last two weeks exploring the new and improved Warrior. This version has a nerf to Warrior which reduces the previous buff while retaining the unique parts of the warrior; regeneration and damage. We have begun the promised commander weapon design fix with an attempt to equalize their power levels and give each weapon a distinct purpose.

Other nice changes include a fix to the longstanding Slasher overkill prevention issue, reasonable team names and rally points for rearming bombers. Use of rally points should improve bomber turnaround.

In other news RUrankAdminikinz is working on a nice ZK themed Weblobby and the release of Spring 101.0 is looming. The new engine has some nice features but is hampered by ATI graphics errors. Access to ATI testing is stalling our ability to make ZK compatible.


Nerfs to Warrior as a partial reduction of the recent buff. The aim is to harden the counter by skirmishers and reduce overlap with the Zeus assault role.
  • Cost 200 -> 210 (old was 220)
  • Range 280 -> 270 (same as old)
  • Health 880 -> 820

Commander morphing receives a design pass. Most of the effort was applied to basic weapons.
  • Basic weapons are now balanced around 50 cost and have designed strengths and weaknesses[?].
  • Commanders can equip duplicates of basic weapons.
  • Manual fire weapon reload time increased to at least 25s to reduce their spam annoyance. Some buffs. Costs are normalized to 150.
  • Cheapened morph base cost by 50 to level 3 and 100 for higher levels.
  • Slightly cheaper drone modules.

Valkyrie can no longer transport Enforcer.

Fixed Slasher overkill prevention.

Djinn weight lowered:
  • cost 800 -> 750
  • health 2600 -> 2500

Artillery accuracy improved:
  • Hammer can no longer miss a Defender [?]
  • Pillager can no longer miss a Stinger [?]

Tactical AI:
  • Added tactical AI for Ravager.
  • More things skirmish Warrior (for example, Ravager).
  • Removed broken Scorcher behaviour[?].


Air Repair/Rearm Pad can now have rally points. Aircraft that leave an Air Repair/Rearm Pad or a Airplane Plant with an empty command queue will inherit the queue of their pad. This mirrors the behaviour of factory queues. Reef is unaffected.

Better team names:
  • instead of "team 0", teams now have recognizable names, for example "Team North", "GBC" or "Team Sprung" [?]
  • the game-over screen now tells spectators who won (in the above format; was just "game over" previously).

Other changes:
  • Line-move now shows dots for the projected unit positions. This is option is enabled by default for new and current players. We need to know whether it works for all graphics cards.
  • Loading progress bar is now more accurate.
  • Added a "show always" option for armor and build-priority state icons.

Changed defaults for new players:
  • Fight is now hotkeyed under A and Attack is under F. The commands are also renamed.
  • Engine info screen hotkey: 'i' -> 'Ctrl+i'
  • LoS view toggle hotkey: 'L' -> 'Ctrl+L'
  • Default command visibility: always shown for selected units, hold Shift for all units (previously was hold shift for selected units, no way to see all units).


  • The game can now result in a draw in two cases: everyone dies at the same time (eg. two opposing roaches blow each other), or all alive teams are dropped (eg. when the non-dropped team resigns after the other drops).
  • Wreckage, rocks, trees etc. no longer disappear without a trace when destroyed/crushed/reclaimed but make a small dirt poof instead.
  • Trainer comms default to HMG/radar at level 1 and ablative/regen at level 2.
  • CAI no longer avoids linking its fusion reactors.
  • Fix CAI having wrong idea about energy economy.
+7 / -0
9 years ago
looks nice
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Could we have more details about changes to commander weapons?
Especially interested about HMG, Cluster bomb and Disintegrator.
+1 / -0
Why all hotkeys to build now missing?
+0 / -0

  • Hammer can no longer miss a Defender
  • Removed broken Scorcher behaviour
  • instead of "team 0", teams now have recognizable names, for example "Team North", "GBC" or "Team Sprung"
  • Added a "show always" option for armor and build-priority state icons.
Are team names initialized before or after the actual ingame start? Are locations taken by starting-box-borders or actual player's starting locations? Also, what happens when both teams are only full of players of the same clan?


  • Line-move now shows dots for the projected unit positions. This is option is enabled by default for new and current players. We need to know whether it works for all graphics cards.
This already existed, no? Was this just a default-setting change?


  • Engine info screen hotkey: 'i' -> 'Ctrl+i'
  • LoS view toggle hotkey: 'L' -> 'Ctrl+L'
Why these changes? I don't see a point in "hiding" these keys behind a combination - especially LoS.
(edit: oh found the reason "* solves a conflict with the Load command.")


  • The game can now result in a draw in two cases: everyone dies at the same time (eg. two opposing roaches blow each other), or all alive teams are dropped (eg. when the non-dropped team resigns after the other drops).
Does this include elo change?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
very nice update.
messing around with hotkeys is not. Why do you change hotkeys for those who already made own hotkeys?
e.g. I move camera with wasd now it is impossible when I have selected my com
+1 / -0

9 years ago
We don't change hotkeys for those who already have hotkeys. The A-F swap should not affect any current configs.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Ummm... is it only me?

Since the update today i can´t start any game.
I only play against AI and after starting the the game
and positioning my commander, there is the comman 3-2-1 countdown
and then my commander is gone.
There´s a short audio message "unsufficient (bla)" ´(can´t understand)
and no error message.

Huh?? What´s happening?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
For me W was bound to mex suddenly.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I have AMD GPU what can I do?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Why you nerf warriors hit points but not nerf his regen ability?
+0 / -0
LVrankSenaven read the changelog. ;)
The aim is to harden the counter by skirmishers and reduce overlap with the Zeus assault role.

Zeus has high HP but no regen and Warrior should not be like Zeus -> Warrior gets less HP but regen.

Observation: Warrior is now the 3rd cloakbot unit with high autoregen. The other two being Glaive and Scythe.
+3 / -0
[Team name is] the highest ranked players name (eg. Team Sprung)

Single-handedly solving smurfing issues? :D
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Another bug:

Z now selects the commander. Ctrl+C is also still bound to select-commander; they both do the same thing.

While the commander is selected, Z no longer opens the factory tab on the build menu. The other tabs open correctly with their hotkeys (X, C, V). Z is still displayed as the hotkey on the factory tab, but it doesn't function.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Not a bug, just a gripe: Direction-based team names use "South-East" (UK usage) instead of "Southeast" (US usage). Given how many of the core devs are subjects of Her Majesty I imagine there's no way I'm winning this one. :)

(p.s. Excellent work on implementing the team names! This is a great feature!)
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I like team names! but can we extend names to team called in resign votes? Now generic "team 1" or "team 2" give no information
+9 / -0

9 years ago
This already existed, no? Was this just a default-setting change?

It existed as an option, but it was implemented using immediate mode, so it was too slow to make it the default. I rewrote it using display lists, which should speed it up considerably (9x fewer CPU->GPU calls).
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Observation: Warrior is now the 3rd cloakbot unit with high autoregen. The other two being Glaive and Scythe.

Renname to cloacky-regen factory! And give cloacky units improved regen while they are cloacked whitin an eraser cloack field!
+1 / -0

9 years ago

I had suggested weapons and chassis made a bit stronger and slightly more expensive. They're a bit weaker but cheaper, so it may even out.

Balance between different weapon modules improved somewhat.

Investing in tankyness, build power or other utility with some speed is now even better than investing in range or damage modules (range was actually nerfed).

Not buffing base commander stats and reducing morph costs means that people who don't invest in commanders are more vulnerable to being rushed by people who morphed early, which is kind of a bad thing.

+0 / -0
9 years ago
Renname to cloacky-regen factory! And give cloacky units improved regen while they are cloacked whitin an eraser cloack field!

I'd like to suggest Tactical robot factory, both autoregen and cloak benefit greatly from micro.
+1 / -0
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