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For what I was given 10 days of silence?

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9 years ago
I talked to smurf player Adrien
which in the end then for troling not allowed in the game.

I did not write bad words, but simply interested in a person's private life.


For what I was given 10 days of silence?
+1 / -3

9 years ago
It is because you refuse to accept Putin as your lord and savior.
+2 / -2
9 years ago
better it on you first Practice
+0 / -2

9 years ago
ayy lmao
+2 / -1

9 years ago

If that's all you have to support your appeal... Well. No.
+4 / -0
9 years ago
and that this in my communication?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Is that an answer to topic question?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
You can read all about this viral life-hack on my social tagcloud:

+3 / -0
On the first day of silence admins gave to me,
banhammer to my IP

On the second day of silence admins gave to me,
two verbal warnings
and banhammer to my IP

On the third day of silence admins gave to me,
three forum blockings
two verbal warnings
and banhammer to my IP

+13 / -0
Now I'm not an expert but when I see

Blatant verbal abuse,consistent repeat offender

I have to wonder... Could it be... that talking the way you do got you muted?

+1 / -0
9 years ago
May be)))
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I just read those questions...Well...it was so unexpected :D
+1 / -0