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administration sent 10 complaints a week no response...

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9 years ago
the building blocks of my player Popupcharlie, and the player does Brynnlow vote at the conclusion of my games.
both players from one country to come and go at the same time (SMURF?)
Next game,
the player Brynnlow once again makes the vote at the conclusion of the game menus without any reason, I am again writing the report and no response

I ask deprive Player Brynnlow make vote (kisk player)
+0 / -2
9 years ago
Kisk dat guy plz.
+1 / -0
both players from one country

I know US of A has so many states its hard to remember them, but believe me, Belgium is not one of them.
+2 / -0
Popupcharlie originally showed Belgian flag, because he used Belgian proxy. He was a smurf (but not of Brynnlow) and trolled the game and was banned.

As for admin reports there were far more reports about you UArankDIVO calling people "idiot", and I agree they indeed need a response.

Relevant log: http://pastebin.com/vZnzZHBC
+2 / -0
in other words, if you stop calling people "idiots" admins will be much more likely to respond to your reports, because then we know its not your fault. right now, you are still calling people "idiots" and you must exspect that they will not be happy.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Could anybody translate these for me?

the player does Brynnlow vote at the conclusion of my games
the player Brynnlow once again makes the vote at the conclusion of the game menus without any reason
+2 / -0
9 years ago
game 1:

One player plops factory in front of someone elses factory.
(Clumped starts caused by tiny startboxes plus no need to mex before factory plus plop-mechanics result in blocked factories all the time.)
Troll or newb, at that point the game is already ruined and should be exited.
Two players in team vote to resign, third player (the blockploper) does not vote, match continues. Pro.
There is admins in game but they do nothing.
The plopblocked player trolls back with terraform but it does not matter anymore, 14 wasted minutes and Elo got again a bit more meaningless.

game 2:
One player spawns on terrainedge or something, uses terraform to free himself, spends 20minutes walking around and building small things. (few defenders, some nanos, never plops)
Does not matter anyway because it is speedmetal and one player already made air-donut to win.

Typical cliché situations in both games.
+5 / -0

9 years ago
There is admins in game but they do nothing.

[f=0003980] [Alcur] DIVO stop that

+4 / -0
9 years ago
for "IDIOT" I get sentenced to 5 day ban is already 10 times
Bryullov demand a ban, as it is not a novice and broke the rules
+0 / -0
9 years ago

Administrator Chesti intentionally does not respond to my complaints and continually takes a hostile stance to me
in this game
the building blocks of my player Popupcharlie, and the player does Brynnlow vote at the conclusion of my games

I write reports, but the administrator does not respond to these complaints and Troll me
[23:34] Springiee [Chesti] yes DIVO reclaim your lab and be useles
+0 / -0
9 years ago
DIVO is asking for ban
+1 / -0

9 years ago
@Divo for "IDIOT" I get sentenced to 5 day ban is already 10 times

You don't learn so good huh?
+3 / -0

9 years ago
half of his text is totally meaningless...
+4 / -1
9 years ago
i was there and the victim of the factory blocking also played foul by trolling the noob who blocked his factory..
+1 / -0
by trolling the smurf who blocked his factory..

+2 / -0
9 years ago
administrators, why it is still not punished player Brynnlow?
is a violation of relapse, one rule for all !!!!
+0 / -0
=P this stuff is soo funny .. its like a metronome .. week-in week-out .. magmic rage flows solidify layer by layer .. always "admin op pls nerf" ..

for once i agree trolls lack the weapons to fight admins properly ..

benifit of the doubt = used up
innocent till proven guilty = uber abused
"it was the other guy" = got old a while ago
admin abuse = leave the bull alone
"listen to me im an angry troll" = admin invited to troll trolling opportunity
+1 / -0
+0 / -0
these things just seem so petty.. cant you just let it go divo.. does it need be a "its the principle thing"

you will command 100% more respect if you can show its not personal and move on.. if people keep trolling you and you show patience and civil conduct then those who troll you will get troubles.. all this complaining does is make you the problem.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I ban15 minutes after the word "idiots"

why others are not punished for a serious crime.

+0 / -0
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