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18 posts, 535 views
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9 years ago
Why do admins lock threads to stop responses?

Because they know they are wrong, they suffer from "must get last word in" syndrome.

Well remember this when you have no players left except admins.
+0 / -3
9 years ago

P.s That is why they keep locking the threads, it shows what they are up to. Are you going to seriously suggest that I made all of those accounts from different countries etc?

Face it. the reason there is no one in your games is because of the idiot admins banning every new player that doesnt pass their nazi ideology test.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Stfu and get your server up fastaaa! :P
+3 / -0
Not that I know about this, but rumor has it within the next four to six weeks there will be a brand new place to play zero k without all the admin banning drama. People who are interested are advised to check ---- which should be updated over the next week or so.

Apparently it will be a server where anyone can play, no banning nonsense, griefing will be handled on a game per game basis by the players.

So rumor has it!

+0 / -1
9 years ago
Sounds legit
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Totally does not sound like phishing.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Face it. the reason there is no one in your games is because of the idiot admins banning every new player that doesnt pass their nazi ideology test.

Or maybe they just fail the unique person test..
+3 / -0
9 years ago
That is what they would have you believe. Are you that stupid?

That is your choice if you think that, but I am quite sure if you have some intelligence, alarm bells are ringing by now.

Check out the difference in user stats between now and 3 or 4 years ago, you will see many more newly registered players taking part.

Is there really this mega conspiracy for evil smurfs to join the game and ruin your life, or could it possibly be that potential new players are being denied the opportunity to play due to power hungry ego tripping admin freaks who are killing the game.
+0 / -4

9 years ago

are you going to seriously suggest that I made all of those accounts from different countries etc?

Thanks for even being so nice and showing us what smurfs you have created.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Appeal to sensationalism Anarchid but it just makes you look stupid. Phishing? OMG what is going be stolen? lol get real numpty. This just shows how desperate you have become. Really you should be quite ashamed and will serve to make people who are already doubting you realize how rediculous you are.

+0 / -0
9 years ago
DeinFriend I dont know what you are trying to say, but do you want to play some cool games of zero k or not? Current admins are slowly wrecking the game and there will be no one left to play with.
+0 / -0
9 years ago

here is the next set of data for new players... you still think this is normal or the work of one evil smruf constantly being banned??
+0 / -0
9 years ago

amd the next set..

see a pattern emerging here?

New players registering but not playing the game. I wonder what could be causing this. Dont take my word for it, keep flicking through the data, and then think long and hard about it.

+0 / -0

9 years ago
This charade isn't even funny any more, it's sad. It was cute at first, but now it's becoming pathetic.

Lock this for irony.
+2 / -0
9 years ago

+0 / -0
We will be seeing you all soon enough on the new site ---

Soon to become the new home of zero k, where we wont even be asking for donations...(lol please give us the change in your pocket just so we can keep the hamster running the server)
+0 / -0
This thread in a nutshell.

+2 / -0

9 years ago
You should make about 10 more accounts, maybe then everyone will start believing those are real people and not you.

I've now made the thread match its topic.
+4 / -1