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Just wondering how people feel about the balance of this unit.

It has a very low decloak distance compared to other cloaked units.

It has a very low cloaking cost even while moving (-1) compared to other cloaking units.

Considering its invisibility, it has reasonable HP and good DPS - it can solo a defender and lotus and escape.

It is fast enough to be quite effective at killing raiders, which in the hands of a good player can shut down raiding and grant map control on smaller maps.They have become the most popular method of killing commanders, since 2-3 can reliably do the job with almost no micro. They are also an effective counter to many skirmisher type units and artillery - they are excellent generalists.

I dont use Scythe much so not in a place to comment, but would people still build the cloaky fac if the only unit it could produce is Scythe? I feel like they would :P
+2 / -0
Stop watching too many KGB games.

It is fast enough to be quite effective at killing raiders, which in the hands of a good player can shut down raiding

Not vs humans. Scythe can kill lone raiders one by one; if it tries to do this vs more than that, it gets killed with no additional kills after the first one.

If you field multiple (e.g. a scythe for each of their glaives, or at least enough to pull off recloak rotation), your raiding squad likely still costs 2x-3x the cost of what you "shut down".

Contrast this with Duck or Kodachi for a dose of insight. You can make Glaives against Scythes and it's often optimal (though Scythes become more useful as game progresses). You shouldnt make Glaives against Duck because that's just giving enemy the lols.

Don't get me wrong; i'm not saying that scythes are anything but extremely powerful in capable hands. But try to stay away from overexaggerations.

I'm fairly comfortable with scythes being what they are currently because i really hate how teamgame and mid-late 1v1's often have sufficient density to shutdown almost all forms of raiding. I like raiding, and scythes make the game more likeable by being highly resistant to density-induced raider shutdown effects.

+3 / -0
But try to stay away from overexaggerations.

Sorry, where do I exaggerate? I'm not talking about AI games, I'm talking about Slvatopluk Scythe master race.

Not vs humans. Scythe can kill lone raiders one by one; if it tries to do this vs more than that, it gets killed with no additional kills after the first one.

If you field multiple (e.g. a scythe for each of their glaives, or at least enough to pull off recloak rotation), your raiding squad likely still costs 2x-3x the cost of what you "shut down".

I'm not suggesting that Scythes counter or replace raiders. I'm pointing out that they can softcounter raiders, especially heavy raiders like Duck, by jumping them. They have a different function to Glaives.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid Multiplayer B386823 2 on TitanDuel
+1 / -0
The problem is about upkeep cost. I've noticed it's lower than Rector, for a cloaked raider with huge alpha its just early enemy fac shutdown.
Enemy is forced to porc his outpost up, wastes metal on either Solar walls or Stardusts and loses, cuz Scythe-guy gains whole map. GG

Raise Scythe's movement energy drain to 3-3.5 and it's no longer the 1st unit u make, even in huge teamgame.
+1 / -0
I'm gonna side with Ivory King on this one. He deserves it, I've been breathing down his shorts way too long XD

Not that I'm up to date with current meta, but scythe is a powerhouse that last time I checked was single handedly carrying the cloak fac in team games. It's similar to scalpel, in that it sort of leaves most of an opposing fac dead in the water. Assaults can't see or catch them. Skirms can't take advantage of their range. Raiders lack the information to consistently maneuver well against them. Artillery are sitting ducks. Statics are either too weak to cause attrition, or must be clumped densely (I believe you need three lotus in one place to kill a single scythe without losing the position over time). Planes and GS have difficulty reacting to them because they're reliant on units from other facs to catch them out. Commanders are a liability that needs to be escorted everywhere. Expansion is far more difficult because you can no longer trust in holding choke points.

There are counters, but they're sort of specific. Glaives and ducks are raiders that tend to lose to scythes over time unless the scythe player mucks up, but bandits and pyros are great. Outlaws, roaches, ticks, and venoms wreck them, but warriors, mace, and redback tend to die before making cost. Assaults hold them off locally, but exercise less map control, and are sort of forbidden from assaulting for so long as they don't know what they're running into. They break the rules for the counter structure, which I'm all for, but they do it at such a broad level I can't help but think them imbalanced. Some factories have a very easy time (shield, spider), while some feel like they don't have a single 'real' answer (amph, LV, HT).

For now cloaky needs them, but if cloaky gets enough power in other areas to break the reliance on scythe, I think they need a nerf.

They're one of my favourite units, even though I don't use them that much. I think they need their range cut down a little so that glaives and fleas are more likely to do damage before dying. Decloak radius is another option, and that would make ducks work a little better, but it's easy to overnerf that way.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I'm not suggesting that Scythes counter or replace raiders.

How is "shut down raiding" not this? That's exactly what Panthers used to do when they were OP, and what Ducks and Kodas do to cloakies even now.

+0 / -0

9 years ago
Scythes can be effective against raiders, especially heavy raiders. They can wipe them out in small groups when encountered. That dosn't make them a counter to raiders, but does place a potential requirement on an opponent that his raiders be clumped in sufficent force. Scythe can usually choose when to engage.

They do not massacre glaives in the same way as Koda, but then Koda dosn't have all the strengths of the Scythe. Its a meanginless comparison.
+0 / -0
It just sounds to me like the problem with scythe is not "shuts down raiding" but "raids unstoppably and with low attrition due to being heavy, invisible and regenerating, while also being kinda useful in raider-raider engagements with an element of surprise", that's all.

If/when a nerf is desired i'd go for energy cost to emphasize it's mid-lategame nature. Energy is also the standard method of preventing antiheavies from early comm snipe, which seems problematic.

Of course, applying that to Cloaky right now will make the factory worth building for exactly zero units. AFAICS shields and amphs completely outclass cloakies now. I could understand shields - cloaky vs shields was always a tenuous relationship - but amphs dominating a landlocked factory is just insult to injury.
+0 / -0
The answer to scythes isn't in a unit but in a playstyle.
You can highly abuse two facts:
1) The other player can't micro two scythe groups efficiently at the same time.
2) Every scythe that is busy defending is not attacking.

That means you can waste a huge portion of your enemy's attention by periodically sending multiple raiding parties with fight command on different routes.
Will they make cost? no.
Can you outexpand the enemy while this is going on? Hell yes!

Stop comparing units with the "making cost" heuristic.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Pretty much the only unit in ZK I've always been scared of in duels.

They deal damage with impunity and disrupt my play greatly, no place is safe anymore: commander is under threat, any more or less remote expand even lightly defended; the amount of intel they give, etc.

During my better ZK time I've had an awkward experience of observing scythes make good cost vs raiders like glaives, bandits, scorchers. But all in all, for me, no matter how big direct losses from scythes were, the deciding factor was the need to put medium porc everywhere, which distracted resources from other uses and eventually costed me a number of games.

Would I say Scythe needs some nerf? Probably... but then likely other cloaky units need stats increase.
+2 / -0
The answer to scythes isn't in a unit but in a playstyle.
You can highly abuse two facts:
1) The other player can't micro two scythe groups efficiently at the same time.
2) Every scythe that is busy defending is not attacking.

That means you can waste a huge portion of your enemy's attention by periodically sending multiple raiding parties with fight command on different routes.

Situational at best, you're assuming 1v1 on an open map at the raider spam phase. The logic dosn't really hold up either, since the same relationship applies to you - every raider attacking is not defending against scythes. scythes are more effective vs light defences than most raiders. Can also assume nobody goes pure sycthe but also uses glaives/riots etc where needed too.
best not to overcomplicate the issue, which is quite straight foward:

great com snipers
brutal vs static light defences, esp defender
brutal vs skirmishers and artillery
reasonable against a number of other units
have a relationship with raiders that can go either way depending on circumstances.
They have decloak range close to zero making them hard to screen for
Very cheap to keep cloaked on move compared to other cloaked units - compare to spy.

Result when used correctly = powerful generalist

Of course, applying that to Cloaky right now will make the factory worth building for exactly zero units.

Agreed - the rest of the cloaky lineup could do with some love and affection as powercreep elsewhere has put them in the shade.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Multiplayer B381421 2 on Into Battle_v3

Also if they start mixing other units it's even more attention they have to spend.
By trying to beat scythes with units you just ignore their greatest weakness.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I remember a team game where Svatopluk (or someone else) kept hunting my ravagers with scythers, it was extremely annoying.
Their decloak radius and re-cloak time feels ridiculous, it's pretty hard and costly to hunt them.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
+0 / -0
I remember a team game where Svatopluk (or someone else) kept hunting my ravagers with scythers, it was extremely annoying.
Their decloak radius and re-cloak time feels ridiculous, it's pretty hard and costly to hunt them.

On large maps with spread out mex like eg. Real they are especially difficult to deal with- there is no way to screen for them with their small decloak/high speed, and often nothing short of Banshees capable of intercepting them before they slash the mex/LLT and vanish again.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'm not strongly opposed to any change on Scythe:

Don't get me wrong; i'm not saying that scythes are anything but extremely powerful in capable hands.

Just to ones that are based on "Scythe shuts down raiding".
+1 / -0

9 years ago
the only reason spotlight is on scythe now is because all the other good cloaky units got shit on
+3 / -0

9 years ago
I think Scythes would be even better if you couldn't just blind-counter them the moment you see a Cloaky unit.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
serious question.. how does hover counter scyth in units? dart? i tried and scyth pwned every hover unit =P
+0 / -0
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