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AI wars / AI competition

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I am testing following AIs in 1v1 games:
CAI (part of Zero-K) ... https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/tree/master/LuaRules/Gadgets/CAI
good start expand, no eco, no striders
CircuitAI (lamer, C++) ... http://springfiles.com/spring/ai-opponents/circuit-ai-zero-k-only
good eco and grid, striders, antinuke, defenses
FreundAI (DeinFreund, Java) ... https://github.com/DeinFreund/FreundAI/
... smarter than CAI, makes solar grid-eco
ZKGBAI / Zero-K Graph-Based AI (Anarchid, Java) ... https://github.com/Anarchid/zkgbai
... intentionally attacks enemy near mexes, makes it deadly effective at raiding and stopping enemy expansion

Disqualified AI:
- MyAI (gajop, Java) ... https://github.com/gajop/MyAI
... cannot get it to load properly
- Shard (part of Spring, C++, reprogrammable in Lua) ... https://github.com/Tarendai/Shard
... it desynces game
- CSI / ZKCBAI (DeinFreund, Java) ... https://github.com/DeinFreund/CSI
... compile time errors, maybe it doesn't work with Spring 100; presumably glaive-raiding AI

Results so far (missing battlelinks for first games because !cheats + !exit):
Map Red Comet:
- CAI vs CircuitAI ... win: CircuitAI
... CAI did better at start with expand, but CircuitAI did eco and defs and striders finally pushed it to win
+ CircuitAI vs CAI ... win: CircuitAI, http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/381168
- CircuitAI vs FreundAI ... win: CircuitAI
... early raid killed FreundAI, factory and some eco, it was gg after it
- CircuitAI vs ZKGBAI ... win: ZKGBAI
... ZKGBAI raided and attacked more, and more efficiently
- CAI vs FreundAI ... win: FreundAI
... FreundAI raided with glaives early and killed enemy fac, it was decided fast
- CAI vs ZKGBAI ... win: ZKGBAI
... ZKGBAI is effective at attacking enemy expansion - mexes. also it doesn't repair low hp units, which makes it more aggressive at attacks.
- FreundAI vs ZKGBAI ... win: ZKGBAI, http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/381155
... ZKGBAI attacked enemy expansion and warrior killed enemy commander early in game

1. ZKGBAI 3/3
2. CircuitAI 2/3
3. FreundAI 1/3
4. CAI 0/3

Most challenging for 1v1 is ZKGBAI, but for COOP games it might be CircuitAI, because it makes striders (including catapult) and nice grid and eco, which might be deadly vs human porc/defenses.
+12 / -0
8 years ago
Do you have replays? Can shadowfury cast them? :)
+4 / -0
SKrankSvatopluk was using !cheats to /hostsay a speedup order, and didn't realize he could disable cheats to enable normal win conditions.

Most games were exited once decided; local replays could be uploaded though.

One replay was saved: Bots B381155 0 on Red Comet, the one between old adversaries.

P.S. Poor CAI - as the default AI, everyone tests their competitive bot on it, not even releasing before it can beat CAI.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
+2 / -0
8 years ago
I would actually like to see AIs to compete in teams room or in 1v1 and have real elo. For example, odd team balance could be balanced out with AI, if players wish so.
+3 / -0
Inb4 people spamming markers at poor AI's base. Funny idea though.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
ZKGBAI/CircuitAI performs much better than most of wub dubs, 1600+ for sure
+3 / -0
8 years ago
It also outperforms Firepluk on most games.
+17 / -0
Well, this is embarassing, guess I should get working on CSI again..

Cool competition though!

Does ZKMBAI("FreundAI") even work for the current Spring version or did you recompile it?
+2 / -0

8 years ago
I think he recompiled all of the AI's that he could, except Circuit and CAI. Well, that makes two of them.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
CHrankAdminDeinFreund Yes, I compiled Java AIs (Anarchid's ZKGBAI, DeinFreund's FreundAI), CircuitAI distributes compiled already, CAI is built-in.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
You could've asked me if you needed help with my AI, but at the same time I'm glad you didn't as it would likely rank last.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
What does MyAI play like?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It plays like a simpleton, just mono-spamming and trying to raid constantly.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
How does it handle raiding?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
By clustering enemy units into groups and attacking the juiciest group (weakest in HP*dmg and most valuable in cost). It does this by ignoring pathfinding around dangerous units/terrain, doesn't take unit roles into account (it was designed with BA in mind where flash/stumpy monospam is a lot more viable), and generally doesn't scale well up to the mid/late game.
It's an old AI I haven't touched in years =)
+0 / -0

8 years ago
ZKGBAI has had some work done on it and got a version bump to 0.2. The changes are significant but I don't feel like it's worth a full PR yet. :P

For those too lazy to compile it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sbuziiaulw6b2ec/ZKGBAI_0.2.7z?dl=0

Things KGB does now:
more eco

Things KGB doesn't do:
unit micro
start position inference is broken..
starting with facs besides cloaky
switching to facs besides striders and gunships
build anti-air

Adding facs is easy, getting it to play them well is not. Eventually it will have intelligent fac choices based on map conditions and randomness, but for now it kills the CAI most of the time. :P
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Someone should make an AI which covers the map in terraform, just to force the other AIs to learn how to deal with it. One of my goals for skirmish game AI is for nothing in ZK to feel 'cheap' when used against it. This is because many people will either drop the feature from their games or feel bad when using it. So an AI which can defeat terraform adds terraform to the skirmish game.

Defeating terraform does not have to be much. Factory switching when the map becomes covered in small walls. Using seismic. In the lategame, using weapons like Nuke and Meteors which don't care about terraform.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Aggressive feature-abuse AI like that seem to be unmotivated, judging from the lack of implementation of BrolorAI.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Any such initiatives like that should be done via AI competitions, think http://sscaitournament.com/
+1 / -0
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