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Combine metal and energy storage

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12 years ago
Metal storage is kind of useless better to build more nanos.

What about combining metal and energy storage into one unit? This would simplify things.
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I think that unit is called Storage.
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I think maybe we should increase storage's store space to 1000.
It's really too underused, the #2 player on our ladder didn't even know it exist.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I mean combine with pylon.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Storage is underused because that:
stored metal = smaller army and/or less economy
Storing metal is basically only good when you are playing chicken eggs or if you are gonna morph a unit to an expensive unit without delay.

If pylons had energy storage wouldn't that mean that you would delay full overdrive until the storage was full aswell? Delaying overdrive would cause a delay in metal production meaning smaller army and/or less economy.
+0 / -0
Well Godde if that is true then making storage is even worse. If pylon had metal storage I would be more likely to build one and link some stuff.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Storage is not useless, when you happen to reclaim field you easily can excess metal, also I always have some buffer ~20%=~200m in case I need to build something fast like hacksaw or something. Also who use rez a lot E stall is common so storage is good thing also so you dont need too many E structures because of bigger buffer.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Scrap storage and make the default one infinite. Tada!

Oh wait.. nvm that idea would be too awesome.. pity! What a shame.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I've been using storage more and more lately as my metal income from reclaim will often exceed my build power and start spilling. Increasing storage to 1K shouldn't be a balancing issue but I'm not sure if there is strong motivation for this either.

I don't like the idea of pylons increasing storage as pylons are often a little too popular with newbie players.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like Skasi's idea but maybe the storage space should have some cost to it. Maybe something like for every 2 metal you spill it adds +1 to M/E storage capacity?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think charging resources for a storage is just as silly as charging resources to give commands or to be able to zoom out would be. It makes a bit of sense for energy, considering radars, shields, cloak etc, but still.. the current concept of "a single rector can stay cloaked for 1000 seconds, but a big ass army only for 2 frames" is a bit odd.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Storage doesn't play much of a strategic role, but infinite storage is a really bad idea. With storage shortage, if you have a newbie on your team who doesn't spend any of his communism-granted metal, at least it will eventually overflow his storage and distribute to teammates.

>> "a single rector can stay cloaked for 1000 seconds, but a big ass army only for 2 frames" is a bit odd.

What? How is that odd that bigger or more requires more upkeep? A city block will consume more electricity than a single house...

If anything, I am kind of disappointed that energy upkeep really isn't a gameplay mechanic anymore. For example, if you want to compush in BA or XTA it is usually important to build a little extra energy and an energy storage, so that you have plenty of energy for dgunning.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>What? How is that odd that bigger or more requires more upkeep? A city block will consume more electricity than a single house...

Because Rectors use basically zero energy to stay cloaked, while a spy requires something like 12 or 15 energy. Snipers require a ton as well, but Scythes do not. Seems like a lot of arbitrary rules revolving around how much energy cloaked units use.

It's more like saying "This small house requires 1 KW of energy, while this identically sized house requires 15 KW energy". Do they have a meth lab in there?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Licho wanted to abandon energy storage altogether, didn't he? I've always been rather fond of that idea - just get rid of the "energy" bar completely. Energy has income and outflow, and all surplus goes into overdrive, share, and ultimately waste. No storage of E. Then the actual "storage" building would be M only.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah some of the energy costs really are disproportionate, I didn't realize in particular that was what Skasi was getting at.

I'm really not fond of the idea of energy storage removal. What happens when your expendature exceeds your income? Things just start shutting down? It is way more forgiving to have a buffer before energy stall occurs, which is basically all that energy storage does. Otherwise your cloaks or shields will fail at completely terrible moments, your construction will stall, etc, without warning. All of this is even worse if your main energy source is wind, which gives you excess half the time and stalls the other half.

I just don't really see a good way to do it without major changes to how energy is used.
+0 / -0
I don't think energy storage is going to be removed. There are 2 main reasons.

1. Overdrive works so much better with storage to dampen small changes. The proportion of your net income that is overdriven is equal to the proportion of energy storage filled. So for example with 20 income, 10 drain and 500/1000 energy in storage 5 of your income goes to OD, 10 goes to drain and 5 goes into your storage.

2. The Spring energy system works reasonably well and would be a pain to replace with lua. It chucks a fit if you set storage very low.

The cloak costs are not arbitary, they are a balance thing. You may as well complain that Flea is the same size as Skuttle so why is Skuttle much more expensive? Why are the similar sized Tremor and Reaper so different in health?

Onto the main topic:

"Metal storage" is not a unit. We have storage that stores both metal and energy. Pylon should not store anything because as many people point out storage is often a bad thing.

Storage is not useless it is just of limited use. I think they can be boiled down to 2 uses:
  • Dealing with reclaim.
  • Building things very rapidly.

The reclaim case is not for dealing with all reclaim, often you would be better of producing things with spare cons. But if you get a massive amount they can be useful.

Building things very rapidly, maybe I could subdivide it further:
  • Saving because constructors are not yet at the desired location.
  • To rapidly and correctly respond to your opponent.
  • To reduce the chance of being scouted.
These factors are currently minor in teamgames and 1v1. There may be times when saving is appropriate but 1v1s are generally short and in teamgames there is rarely overall coordination.

Saving is useful in FFA though. There is a lot more uncertainty and a greater wish to keep your power secret. If you can build a Starlight in say 30s instead of 4 minutes there is a much lower window for you to be scouted and ganged up on.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+1 to infinite
+0 / -0
12 years ago
This thread is going nowhere ;) No storage - stupid. No E - stupid. And ZK is against such things like ba where each thing has storage in it. And cloaked unit E consumption is alright. Imagine skutle rushes on small maps at least now if you do rush skutle you have to cloak it just in time otherwise it will eat all your remaining and uncloak before will reach target.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I actually like the infinite idea, even though it was probably just for trolling.

One could make it like this: You can set an upper limit for energy and metal storage yourself. The default would be at 1000, but I am free to set my maximum energy limit to 2000 or even 90000, same goes for metal. Everything above is shared for teammates and overdrive.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"To infinity and beyond!"
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