If you have a legitimate complaint, please report it using the "report this player" link on the user's profile page. Provide specifics.
Starting a forum thread stating that he calls people names 50 times a day is not helpful to anyone. Moderators see it as a frivolous complaint, which lowers your credibility and you won't get any closer to seeing disruptive players punished.
Calling people names obviously isn't good, but "lobster" and "noob" aren't
that offensive IMO. This is the internet, not everybody is going to treat you like a fragile butterfly. That said however, derogatory name calling can be taken too far. Provide timestamps, quotes and context -- frequency matters, as does intent and context. Keep in mind that there are some communities (not just on the internet, in IRL too) that use derogatory names as terms of endearment with friends.
Vote kicking new players is not something that is taken nearly as lightly. Again, provide specific details in your report.
"Creative" play however isn't something that is necessarily bad. Unless they are teamkilling or intentionally trying to lose the game, having a silly/dumb playstyle is subjective. I personally would hold off on making a report for bad play until there are at least get enough votes to kick the person from the battleroom -- if more than half the people think that his play is detrimental to their enjoyment, that would be enough for a ban. Otherwise, live and let live -- someone is playing a game and having fun.