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What is your Favorite unit?

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12 years ago
If you had to choose one unit that you consistently get good results out of, and enjoy using - maybe that epitomizes your play-style - what would it be? and why?

For me, it would be..

Unit: Reaper

Reason: Whenever I have to hold off multiple players or have a terrible team and expect to be horribly ganked, I get out Heavy Vehicles and amass Reapers. With decent retreat-repair micro, they allow me to take a horrific beating and keep fighting back long after all sense would say I should be dead. The high alpha of their attack is ideal for suddenly leaping forward with a few and ganking a high priority target, like a pesky penetrator or commander. They are fast enough to get out of trouble and responsive to micro, and they are tough enough to survive and slay most of the 'nooby' units like snipers, penetrators, hammers, morphed commanders etc
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I have three:

Bandit. It's in my avatar! Also the best raider in game, imo, with huge dps and ability to outplay all the rest with micro.

Ravager. Because if you want a unit to do a cutting blow, this is what you get: they are scary fast for an assault, and have both the health and damage for the role. Just roll past the defense line, ignoring it, and head straight for the eco. I guess it's the character of their use i like here: brash, daring, and all made of brutal attrition.

Dominatrix. Because it's such a pain in enemy's ass when used correctly (i.e, inside a ravager-blob) that it can make people want to cry and surrender; and because i once saw one singlehandedly stop a dozen rockos and about same amount of warriors.

Of course, that's from an 1x1 perspective, not from 38x38zkdsd one. I dont have favorite units in latter.
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12 years ago
It is dependend on the game size.

1v1 or 10v10?
Big or small map?

If there is only a small area to defend, I prefer units which can retreat - dependend on situation.
I have not really a favourite unit now where Athena is unploppable.

But Bandit and Reaper are both nice.
I like rez-bots too, but that is not early game.

The downside of tank fac is that the only riot unit has low health points.
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12 years ago
my favourite unit is the commander!!!
You get it for free, it can morph/build, you can enhance it with modules, it is instantly available and has a good weapon + good hp for cost.
It also produces ressources.

If I could, I would only produce support commanders and AA!!!
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12 years ago
Ultimatum - Kill all commander
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12 years ago
My favorite unit is the Pyro. It is the best raider, and has a jump. Microing them is fun, and they can easily kill new players in first five minutes. They make cost vs almost all coms, and keep doing damage after they die, along with their explosion. My elo has gone up by 200-300 since I started using these right (and not playing team games).
My two second favorite units are the Jack and the Skuttle. The Jack counters everything except raider spam, heavy porc, or high-cost units (lvl 4 com, DDM, Dante, etc). The Skuttle is ideal for killing annoying unit clusters (especially shield armies), low-mid HP coms, or any economy (fusions and adv fusions).
These units all help me play by countering anything the other player has out in their same role (with a bit of micro or the fight command) at the early-mid game, and I can expand easier with it.
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12 years ago
Roach/Dirtbag. Few things match how satistfying that is to use against a big army ball, except maybe skuttle (Though it is invisible and thus cheating). I'm actually surprised how popular skuttle is given how niche it is.
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12 years ago
Reaper and Ravager are up there. They are dependable and if you don't know what to do they are safe to spam. I once filled the middle of The Hunters with Reaper, and they quickly killed assaulting Detriments.

But Crabe is cool too. Or Cloaker + Jack, Tick, Roach...
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12 years ago
Jump fac.
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12 years ago
Because it is the cutest looking Kbot in the game, dont you just want to cudd(g)le it =^o.o^=
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12 years ago
Infiltrator... see left. :)

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12 years ago
...just reaper were mentioned more than once.

jumper- i want my stopless jumping glavies.
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12 years ago
Well mostly I dont have any favorite unit, but sometimes it is great fun when I have two "shh... I m OP" coms (snipers) and when people fail to counter them :)
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I'm waiting for Dirtbag, err I mean Flea.. no one?
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
A dirtbox with flea's weapon?
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
Mex is OP.
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12 years ago
Detriment. The unit that can beat all other units 1v1. It blows up like a nuke and it can also be transported by Vindicator making it the ultimate Superweapon in FFAs.
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