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8 years ago
one reason funnel is so good is that if you attack ground at max range the drones pursue targets and it can effectively double its attack range making it one of the longest range arty units in-game.. its probably a bug .. but if people realize they can use it to kill enemy long range anti funnel assets a funnel screened with light ground troops + aa is very hard to kill without silo..

funnels mostly just avoid razor fields sometimes with the help of all-terrain they find holes or else by forcing mass aa across whole front-line they still hinder the enemies ground troop production

mobile aa has difficulty standing up to drones and a mass periodical swarm of drones can often get a few hits in on even angels and the attrition wears away at a player until he has spent almost the same amount on aa as a funnel costs..

granted the effect of one funnel is meh..
+1 / -0

8 years ago
When funnel reaches critical mass, then it can kill almost everything. However there is counter anyway. Like silo. Silo isn't so costly.
Maybe cost on funnel and reef drones. So enemy can't reach critical mass so fast. Because problem is with both units. Even energy and cloaking costs energy. But drones is free..
+1 / -0
you can 1-shot any funnelstack with enought catapults. cloak them too for moar surprise. add some archangels. also funnels are easy to track with their shield marking their position even with no radar. and they are really slow. oh, and beware of scythes and set catas to manual fire -.-
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Cata and silo are funnel hardcounters, yea
But silo is hard to use properly and it does not kill funnels alone - it can just emp the funnel/part of the ball/whole ball(depends on luck and skill) for 30-40sec
then u need some army to kill it - which is pretty complex counter

Cata is much simpler to use tho
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Funnel can be too used with catas and then funnel/cata combo is very powerful. Funnel shield is weak alone but later is powerfull is mass.
Silo and ultimatum can bring down funnel. Problem mostly is reclaim. Murphy's law says that reclaim always get enemy and own team is too dumb or most map is already lost. :D
+1 / -0
8 years ago
good point i forgot about cats.. i suppose that the game does need strong units capable of pushing porc like funnel can but i have seen mass funnel succeed with ease where multiple detriments failed pathetically..

a bit off topic but the difference in cost of stardust vs stinger might also be the amount of metal required for Terra-forming a stardust pillar high enough to easy outrage the stinger.. as a result the stardust receives poor accuracy and much better defense.. all in all it seems worth it to make stardust pillar over surface stardust's in many situations
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Funny is too generalist if the only effective counters are Silo and Catapult.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I'm actually starting to think it's too generalist in a bad way. It doesn't do enough fast enough and is inevitably killed.

I've been making a lot of funnels lately to test with, and I don't remember many games where I'd have not preferred to have spent my metal elsewhere. They don't have enough impact for the cost, and if an opponent scouts it (which they have ample time to do) they will have the real counter to it well before your funnels hit critical mass.

In my opinion catapult, dante, and krow are just better in the majority of situations. Compare two funnels to a fast dante push into bertha, or to a nuke.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Funnel counters.
Chainsaw spam (kills drones, and drains shields)
(cobra/ddm is good defender vs drones due to splash)
Dante works too.
Big Bertha.

keep in mind it is super expensive 4.5k
+1 / -0
For me the best advantage of funnelstack is AA. I can send it rampaging in lower-porc areas without worroying about them being killed by flying things due to drones. This is pretty sweet in larger games or FFA matches where 1000 things are happening.

Plus they don"t get stuck on everything, wich is a massive advantage on sandcastels and other maps that deform easy.
+2 / -0