Alright, seeing how next week we dont seem to have any special events, i have decided to try and host some games in a pretty unusual format.
This is more of a test, sign up will be closed right before the start of the event, but i would like to know in advance how many people are interested.
The tourney begins on saturday, August 08, 17:00 UTC, hopefully such time will let american players join along with europeans.
FFA (1 player per team) with no starting boxes. There are no brackets, everyone plays in every round. The map is picked randomly from a pool listed below in this thread.
When the time is up, the person with the most wins is considered the winner. If there are many players tied for that position, an extra FFA round is played. The reward for 1st place, as well as 2nd and 3rd is absolutely nothing.
The event duration is 3 hours, once that time is out, the final round is played to determine the winner.
The map pool depends on the number of players, below is the fool map list with playercounts its available for:
Absolution 2 (4-12)
Albion_v1 (4-16)
Altored Divide Remake V3 (4-12)
Amalthea_V3 (8-16)
ArcticPlainsV2.1 (4-16)
Atuminoa (4-12)
Brazillian_Battlefield_Remake_V2 (4-8)
CathraldaV10 (4-12)
CenterrockV12 (4-12)
CliffHanger-v1 (6-14)
Complex_Contact_v3 (4-8)
County_Crossing-v06 (4-12)
Deadlock-v1 (4-16)
DigSite (4-12)
Downs_of_Destruction_Fix (4-8)
DryRiverV10 (4-8)
EE-DustBowl-v02 (4-8)
Foothills-v08 (4-8)
Gunmetal_Harbor_11 (4-8)
HighGroundsDeltaV1 (4-12)
IslandTest (4-8)
Sacrifice_v1 (4-16)
SnakeIslandV2 (4-8)
SpringMountainDelta (4-8)
Stronghold_beta (4-12)
Tempest (8-16)
Vein (4-8)
XantheTerra_v5 (4-16)
The reason for no-boxes format is there to maximise the map pool, as many are not intended for FFA.
I do realise the no-boxes format is likely to be full of RNG bullshit, but there is also some strategy involved with picking your start position, especially since you can discuss it with everyone during pregame.
Since this is more of an experiment, i am very interested in feedback - the time, the duration, the maps can all be discussed.
When picking maps, i tried to find ones that are asymmetrical and have nice elevation variety, so that there are many possible viable start positions.
If you know other maps that could fit our no-box FFA format, feel free to suggest them.
Current Participants:


