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Zero-K Lobby for OSX

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9 years ago
i just wanted to ask if it would be possible to make Zero-K lobby compatible with mono for mac.
I already managed to play Zero-K in singleplayer mode on a mac with the new spring 100.0 build for osx.
If you try to run Zero-K lobby with mono for osx (tested with mono 2, mono 3 and mono 4) the little window that allows you to choose the spring path appears.
After you have selected a path, the program crashes.

Thanks in advance
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Error in the log looks quite serious. Are you sure all mono libs are installed? Under linux the packages is often called "mono-complete" vs just "mono".

If not luck with Zero-K Lobby, you should be able to use Weblobby with reactSWL (extention?). Weblobyy mentions OS X support, although I couldn't find OSX binaries on their web-site. I've never tried rSWL but few folks here have been using it for months. ZKL is approaching end of life soon, as I heard, so we all will be using Weblobby some time in the future.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Weblobby works with ZK server and should work on macs. Glad to hear the latest mac builds are working.
+0 / -0
Just got everything working with a modified version of SWL. If someone is interested in playing on a mac, just ask.
Edit: Screenshot: http://www.pic-upload.de/view-27810142/pic.png.html
+3 / -0

9 years ago
Awesome. Would be good if you posted stepped guide here
+1 / -0
So heres a guide for mac users:

1. Download spring 100.0 for OSX and my modified version of Spring Web Lobby http://www.felix-kraus.net/files/zero-k/zero-k_OSX.zip

2. Open WebLobby once and close it to create necessary directories

3. Copy the extracted directory "100.0" to '/Users/username/.spring/engine/'

4. Run WebLobby again and click on "Try ReactSWL (alpha) (can connect to Zero-K server)". You'll have to do that each time you launch WebLobby.

5. Go to "Settings" -> "Login" and enter your Username/Password.

6. Switch to the "Advanced" settings tab and set lobbyserver to "lobby.zero-k.info".

7. Click on the "Connect" button (top right corner).

If a download fails, just rejoin the game.
Feel free to ask me when you have problems.

Enjoy :)
+2 / -0
The link in the previous post has went dead.

It is terrifying.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
File is back online, forgot to reupload after reinstalling my server...
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Too late! I already compiled it myself!


Anyway, maybe i can fix the .pro now to properly build on mac as a side benefit. I didn't have to edit any headers, just make it find boost and boost-process properly.

Do you also have the issue where the checkbox inputs (in Settings) don't render?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I remember having this issue. I fixed it by using clang 5.5.0 (or was it 5.0.0?) instead.
+0 / -0
Could you host the file from Dropbox or Google Drive? Your server seems slow to me. Here is my link. If you want me to take it down, PM me.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Moved the instructions [MacHowto to wiki] and linked it from the download page.
+3 / -0
I follwed your instructions, but it crashes and I get http://pastebin.com/yxfLkeGE .
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'm not a OSX user, however your log clearly suggests that a dynamic lib function could not be found where it was supposed to be found:

Dyld Error Message:
Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/Spring_100.0.app/Contents/MacOS/../lib/libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Quick googling on '___strlcpy_chk' suggests that it most often related to software being executed under wrong OS version (like Snow Leopard vs Mountain Lion). Could it be so, that you use SDL2 lib built for wrong OS X version (not the one you use now)?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
This build of mac spring is built for Yosemite and works on El Capitan. I would assume that older versions might not work.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Try to enable "Safe mode" in the weblobby settings.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Update: Just found out, that i can play with Ultra settings and without Safe Mode.
The game used to crash on the loading scrren. I fixed it by adding "LoadingMT = 0" to springsettings.cfg :)
Maybe you can add this to the wiki.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I followed all the instructions but when I join a game it looks like this: http://imgur.com/yDmd9ky and http://imgur.com/UO1PUSa
Help me please!
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Recently all battles seem to be using engine test version ( 101.0.1-414-g6a6a528 )
On http://zero-k.info/Wiki/MacHowto the instructions are still for engine 100.0
+0 / -0
I'm new to ZK but not to spring, been playing BA for years. Have 2 questions though:
How to make SWL find spring 103?

Also the link to SWL on the Mac howto page does not point to a successful download. Could this be replaced by the working link from technic?

Thanks to those who put the effort in to get SWL for mac.
+0 / -0
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