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The Ultimatum Deserves a Buff

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9 years ago
I think one of the major uses for Ultis is to take down other, larger striders, however they dont seem very effective at it. Banthas in particular can kill ultis too easily. They will insta kill one with the tachyon and use the lightning to stun/kill others. The ultis usually will only get one shot off which only does about 10-20% of the banthas health. This would mean you would need at least 5 ultis to kill a bantha on the first shot of each. 5 ultis costs 10,000 which when compared to the 12k of a bantha is not a very good return for a unit that is supposed to be a hard counter. Additionally ultis are very bad at taking out other targets besides striders or sneaking in to bases.
+2 / -0
You don't need 5, 2 are more than enough. 4k to kill 10.5k is quite a hard counter.

It's stupidly simple to make several times cost with ultis in the lategame, not just against striders (they are incredible against reapers/goliaths/trollcoms/heavy statics when used sensibly). If you want to buff anti-heavy options, buff Skuttle.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Ultis are stealthed, which means they can get around and fire from behind the target. Bantha cannot fire it's tachyon behind it's self. Also, if you're using 2 Ultis on a big unit, be sure they are not grouped up, and stay at least 90 degrees apart from each other in reference to the target at close range, so AOE doesn't murder them in .1 seconds. It takes 3 Ultis to kill a Det, but not if they all die from the same gauss cannon shot, or if the Det doesn't have to turn to shoot them.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
If you want to buff anti-heavy options, buff Skuttle.

+14 / -0
9 years ago
i think bantha could use a slight buff to its hitbox, ulti really is quite bad against it. rarely hits moving banthas, and if, very little damage is done.
+3 / -0

9 years ago

In this battle I down bantha with one ulti and detri with 3... but still lost.

Ultis make really good returns if you know how to use them.

Skuttle could use a buff however.
+0 / -0
The Skuttle Deserves a Buff

Ulti needs a nerf if anything. The reload speed is absurd.
+0 / -0
2 ulti have little chance to kill a moving bantha, even 3 have a hard time. didnt watch that replay but i suspect very much that that bantha was emped or otherwise an easy target.
+0 / -0
That doesn't seem unreasonable, although I'll admit I've never tried it myself.

I don't really understand why Ulti is built the way it is right now. Given its role (kill a single, preposterously expensive thing), it seems like it would be fine with a slow-reload, homing, massive alpha shot. Or maybe even as a puppy-like suicide unit.

It seems like that would make it more effective against the strider-like targets, and less effective against things like reapers.
+0 / -0
its perfectly fine the way it is, being a glasscannon and all. just bantha isnt fine because its too small, ulti does much less damage per shot than vs pretty much all other striders, which is silly.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Skuttle is crappy due to a rage nerf which was mostly kept; it would be good if it had a sane decloak radius and jump speed that didn't allow legit jumps to fail
+3 / -0

9 years ago
What do people here thins Ultimatum and Skuttle are for? Also would the game in general be better off if they were more powerful?
+1 / -0
2 ulti have little chance to kill a moving bantha, even 3 have a hard time. didnt watch that replay but i suspect very much that that bantha was emped or otherwise an easy target.

It was attacked from the rear as was the detriment. Time to turn DOES play an important factor in kill rate. It takes the bantha two attacks to respond to the ultimatum attacking from the rear. If two attack from the rear, it's gg.


One can counter detriment thru 1 ultimatium. Just drop it on it's head. Lol.

What do people here thins Ultimatum and Skuttle are for? Also would the game in general be better off if they were more powerful?

+0 / -0

9 years ago
buff skuttle? count me in!
+0 / -0
i think bantha could use a slight buff to its hitbox, ulti really is quite bad against it. rarely hits moving banthas, and if, very little damage is done.

This, so much!

And this has been a problem since the unit was introduced since... god knows when, 2004? BA has the exact same problem. The unit is way too small for its price and HP.
+4 / -0

9 years ago
I can agree that ultis vs bantha is weak. Most cases when ultis kill bantha is because player with bantha dont watch over it. This is reason why i dont use ultimatum vs bantha if bantha isnt fighting with another unit and staying, beucause ultimatum cant hit it in moving position. Detri can be hit easy but bantha no. But even without it most problem isnt only bantha but screening units like fleas who just can revel ultimatum from distance. So ultimatum tactical use become hard.
Ultimatum mostly is suicide unit. Even if attacking tanks. Its is slow.
Idea about homing gun will be little too bit op i think. Because recon com for example can evade from ultimatum (in Duke map).
Ultimatum most largest drawback is its need for such energy to move cloaked.
But skuttle needs cloak. It's almost useless now, fellon, defender, laser trollcom kill it, . I better then buy roaches and erasier then skuttle and erasier. At least roaches dont need energy and aoe can deal with scouting units as well..
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I agree with bigger, taller, fatter Bantha 100%
+0 / -0

9 years ago
+0 / -0
would the game in general be better off if they were more powerful

In the case of Skuttle I'd say it should not necessarily be more powerful but more reliable. I think if you manage to get into jump range with a cloaked Skuttle you deserve to succeed with the jump, which is not always the case currently because it decloaks so early.
+6 / -0

9 years ago
I'm also in favor of increasing the size of the bantha's hitbox and model rendering. It definitely doesn't appear to be a 10K+ unit.
+2 / -0