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9 years ago
So recent patch gave the Licho ability to target air.

Given the Licho was already a massive generalist, can someone explain the logic here? Recently went gunshits when a licho was on the map, and proceeded to have my brawlers & tridents lichoed. What is gunshit supposed to do against that?
+6 / -0
9 years ago
The Licho can kill with one shot a screamer.... is this right so?
I Think its a error.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Licho is the new raven, with bonus aoe!
+2 / -0

9 years ago
2K, highly mobile generalist have always been a problem. It takes multiple iterations over several years to get them right. Remember sumo's, Grizly, Goliath? They all have been the go-to generalist unit at some point.

To me, bombers as AA are a big no. This goes both for raven and Licho. Hell, i could even do with ZK that has only gunships and no fixed wing. Although the repair/rearm mechanism is pretty cool.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Recently went gunshits when a licho was on the map, and proceeded to have my brawlers & tridents lichoed.
this sounds funny, please link?
+0 / -0
not really having a problem with wyvern being a generalist but shooting at planes (and doing so accurately) is a massive balance problem. all other planes and most gunships just get oneshot.

only flying thing wyvern should be able to reliably hit is krow, and the occasional lucky shot on other gunsips might not be so bad as long as you cant count on it (it used to be able to sometimes hit banshee and rapier balls even before the buff)
+0 / -0
Don't be silly GBrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng! Licho is not even a unit!

By the way, here's a list of moar Licho threads:
licho seems to have way to much hp
Fucking licho
Time to balance the fuckin Licho
Licho (also by you, 1v0ry)
The Licho is still OP

And my favorite:
Licho's developer diary
+8 / -0

9 years ago
related: screamer is crap (always gets tacnuked or drained with athena nanoframes)
+1 / -0
Protip - if u want to counter single Licho prepare to invest at least twice (including that which will get killed in the meantime) metal before you are able to finally kill it before it retreats.
+0 / -1
9 years ago
Real protip - skuttle the Wyvern!
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Super real protip - Make Sumo and one defender.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I agree that Licho is currently outclassing all other planes, but instead of nerfing Licho into uselessness(it's still possible to counter), I would suggest making the other planes viable again.

Current bombers(shadow, phoenix) are really strong when the enemy doesn't have aa, but hardly make cost if the enemy has just a few defenders. So if you think giving them more HP makes them OP, how about lowering damage or increasing the price to make up for it?
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Current bombers(shadow, phoenix) are really strong when the enemy doesn't have aa, but hardly make cost if the enemy has just a few defenders. So if you think giving them more HP makes them OP, how about lowering damage or increasing the price to make up for it?

Or how about nerfing Defender instead?
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Defenders are perfectly balanced.

Ravens dont have an issue vs defenders, as it takes 4 * 80m to kill 300m of raven. What sucks is that raven dies to units its supposed to be good against. Warriors and felons should not kill 1-2 ravens before getting bombed.

Call me crazy, but I felt ravens were already going out of style before they got completely destroyed, as gunshits became gunships the same patch(or the one before).
+0 / -0
9 years ago
there was a buff to licho, if that was just reverted things would be ok again wouldnt they?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
things would be ok again wouldnt they?

If by "ok" you mean Wyvern missing their target 9/10 times, yes. (I haven't played/watched for some time, this is just what I've read)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
No, the buff made Licho more reliable in hitting things which greatly improved the gameplay experience(This is no game of luck). If you want to nerf it I'd suggest reducing missile tracking rate, as long as it is still able to hit things, not allowing it to target air or increasing its price.

Shadow currently has similar issues because of its dumb unitAI, which makes it unreliable in bombing fast units. But unlike Licho it doesn't just miss but instead randomly dies to single raiders. I'm ok with shadow being anti-heavy, although it doesnt fulfill that role yet. (Comexplosion kills shadow to ~20% hp, Dante slaughters them, felon..)

Imo first priority is to make units "work" as good as possible(ie overkill prevention, auto skirm..), afterwards stats can be adjusted to balance the unit. This renders the game more fun to play as units are doing what they're supposed to, even when you're looking elsewhere for a second.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
well it should be able to target air like any ground weapon would, it just should only be able to actually hit very slow moving / large air such as krows.
+0 / -0
...is it necessary to make the Licho Wyvern bomb tracking? Imo it would be perfectly fine if it would simply hit the place that you aimed at reliably (and if it would impact somewhat vertically, it would also not unexpectedly fail to hit the ground against units moving near ledges). Heck, make it ballistic...

Reliably hits large/stationary/slow-moving targets? Check.
Won't hit air much better (even if allowed to target it) than players trying to force that behavior (if it wasn't allowed)? Check.
Can balance viability vs fast/small units with missile speed? Check.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
would need old blast radius and dmg values then to make up for it missing everything that moves, at all.
+0 / -0
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