Scallop has reduced DPS and burst to try to make it worse against things it should not beat.
Damage 180 -> 90
Reload time 2 -> 1.4
Ahhh, this feels so good. The best generalist unit in the game has finally been dethroned, or at least weakened.
I dont even care which weapon this applies to, the change is awesome either way.
quote: Transport AI no longer automatically transports units from factories by default (so it just implements the embark command). The automatic factory behaviour is too intrusive. |
OH GOD YES, finally! This behaviour has been there for ages, making me reluctant to use air transports. It feels so good now that its gone.
Thank you for your hard work,

GoogleFrog .
My personal list of gameplay/balance issues is now pretty much limited to the following points, in the order of importance.
•Phoenix still being shit, both in its bomb run AI behaviour and terrible scaling due to napalm not stacking.
•Starlight and Detriment strength (Its a FFA thing, the prohibitive cost stops being a factor there, and those things have insane cost efficiency once built)
•Spider fac being too slow and unable to raid making it not viable in 1v1 for maps bigger than 8x8
•Athena swarms being extremely prevalent in FFA lategame due to nearly unlimited energy suply that point.
•Sumo being shit. The recent moderator change is very welcome, but the sumo just feels so extremely situational ;_;
But regardless, i am very happy with your recent surge of activity,

GoogleFrog, almost makes me wanna try and help somehow.