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Contesting smurf ban

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I made a smurf (@Spaghetticus) so that I could play with others and experiment. I understand that I could do this with my main account but this seems less honest. Why?

Because if I deliberately play less than my best on my main account I will be misrepresenting myself constantly. My elo will look too low for when I'm playing serious and too high for when I'm experimenting. Up until now I've done very little experimentation because I wanted to avoid such BS.

I have no intention of abusing alternate accounts for anonymity or elo abuse. I'm legitimately attempting to transparently represent myself here.

Since starting the smurf I've had several good close games with RUranknever (1550 eloish at the time), one which he legitimately took from me. By playing stuff I'm unfamiliar with there is a severe handicap that impacts my effective elo enormously. Jumpjet is a tricky fac y'all.

Outside of that I had one game against Fealthas where I experimented and got hammered. The rest of my games have been chickens, speedmetal, and FFA which nobody's taking seriously.

DErankChesti banned my account, and did so with the support of other moderators. When asked for reasons he replied that it sets a bad example, and seemed to think that the reason I was smurfing was because I have a very high opinion of myself. Misunderstandings of motives aside, I'm not asking for exceptions to rules, I think that the rules should be changed if it's preventing player freedom adversely. Namely, if someone has no ill intention behind their smurf, why ban it? I'm trying to preserve the authenticity of elo values, not undermine it.

There are plenty of smurfs going around, the one I threw by Chesti was godde's team smurf (since it's already known). There are others I'm aware of but I don't see any harm in them so feel no obligation to expose them. If I set a bad example by smurfing, why is godde who's a moderator and the #1 player let loose to smurf? He's the highest profile player we have!

I'm happy to have a smurf with a name derived from my main account, if that will allay fears of abuse. I see the the one time evil of elo reset as vastly superior to the ongoing abuse of plukking to manage it.

Finally, I know that no-elo options exist,but they're fidgety and they give me no quantifiable feedback as to the success of anything I do. My intention behind the account was to see how high I could get mainly using jumpjet (and hover on flat maps). I believe I'll be unable to get to 1700.

I'm not having a go at the mods here. I think that this is an issue worth discussing, regardless of how it impacts on me. I will respect the decisions of the mods even if I disagree with them.
+6 / -0

9 years ago
Well from my point of view,

you are asking for the rule to change without regarding toward the maintenance of the new rule.

I meant you spoke of intention but how can Mod or anyone for that matter can verify intention.

while I am in no way accusing you of lying or even the most remote besmirch of misconduct. Surely you must understand that unless you are asking for an exception of the rule [specifically for yourself only], there is no way to enforce the NEW rule since it is impossible or nearly impossible to distinguish smurf for good intent and smurf for ill intent.

I have no knowledge of Godde smurf or anyone's smurf. but if there are, I'll be of the opinion that they should be banned. Except for smurf for testing purposes.

I'd love to hear what other think about this problem.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Well, if my main account is attached to the smurf, that's taking any attempted deception out of it. "SnuggleBass2".

I could easily outline particular things that would constitute misuse of a my smurf.

If you catch me starting the game with my typical play, that would be a misuse. You won't see my renowned 100bandit start coming from my smurf account. That would constitute normal play (and would raise my elo to be proximal with my main account). Same goes for pretty much all my standard eco-raider starts. Including:
- scorchers
- ducks
- glaives
- bandits

If I do this opener and don't go into something interesting, that would be account abuse.
+0 / -0
- It is not feasible to monitor whether the 'benign' smurf follows their playstyle resolutions.

- It is not feasible to ascertain where those resolutions are legitimate in the first place vs when they are a "plausible deniability" cover, except by evaluating trust levels against the individual, which creates perception of lawlessness.

- A wide mass of these being tolerated would significantly undermine the accuracy of the balancer, which might be very undesirable given small community size.

- It will likely become unfeasible to monitor and exterminate all non-malicious smurf accounts if player count increases significantly

Suggested course of action: sit on the rivershore, and wait for the corpse of the dominant paradigm to float by.
+3 / -0
Pretty much that. We don't have the time or resources to mind-read people regarding the intentions behind each smurf or to watch through countless replays trying to assess whether that person is playing "standard" enough.

Not to mention that regardless of intentions, smurfing by a decent enough player will tank the Elo of those who play against that player before his Elo reaches stability. So instead of taking a little hit by experimenting on your main account you have others tank their Elo to let you experiment wihtout risking any of your own.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Wouldn't an "unranked" host (host that does not update ELO) solve all your issues?

Does chicken influence any ELO? Is FFA influencing any ELO?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Test can be used in CAI or FFA enviroment.
If you suck at particular factory then it isn't excuse for others profiles. And nobody should offend you if you loose game with your main account if you suck at example jumpfac. It's normal learning progress. Caretakers and roach ramps i dont include because its just trolling in most situations. Your high elo doesnt mean that you must know all or just use some limited moves who is your trump. This is teamgame. And make one player all game carry just because of his elo is bad team play.
If 20 players make fake accounts in one time then this game will be unplayable..
About Godde smurf i know and never understand why he use it. Maybe for experiments too. Like transport ship roaches. And i dont support it. I can support only variants is smurfs make games only with smurfs. And its very costly to monitor. 20 smurfs intentions cannot be readed from their mind.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I am not personally very passionate about this issue one way or the other. If the admin decision is "no smurfs" that's fine... as long as currently known smurfs (@Godde, USrankQuak, there may be more) are banned.

Banning SnuggleBass' smurf on general principles but leaving other smurfs untouched is ridiculous.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
USrankQuak got the hammer a day before that.
+0 / -0
I see. I remembered seeing it play recently so I only checked the Godde smurf. Considering it was playing against the SnuggleBass smurf that was lazy of me.

Point stands with respect to the Godde smurf though. Admin and #1 player or not, it sets a bad precedent.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
so its really problem with normal search game and smurf abusing for me
firstly need good teaching missions(can't be skipped like in hearstone) decreased speed gathering technology points, and some another thing...
secondary need good lobby and serching system, corrtctly elo game working only in 1vs1,2vs2... so its problem, if zero-k wanna be popualrity heh.
+0 / -0
Use the No Elo modoption.

I agree with the idea here that a rule requiring mind reading and analysis of play as compared to normal play is too hard to enforce. Sure, it may be quite easy to enforce for known, trusted people but that path risks the creation of an Old Boys Club.
+6 / -0
you are asking for the rule to change without regarding toward the maintenance of the new rule.

No he's not. There is no rule that would have to change. I don't see why we'd need one either.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
that path risks the creation of an Old Boys Club

The Circlejerk approves of any movements to prevent competition!
+0 / -0
9 years ago
The mighty banhammer spills blue blood again
I used to have this issue: trying to play properly in teams host wrecked my nerves, so I started playing like shit but then I found everyone raging at me because I fucked the balance up... So I tried smurfing but gargamel kept banning me
+1 / -0
9 years ago
r.i.p. USrankQuak
+1 / -0
The community is just so small, you can't play anonymously. In Starcraft you just ladder for 2 hours against ppl who you have never seen and will never see again. Here it is the same guys over and over.
Just go online and play for a bit is really nice! Smurfs let me do this up to 2(3?) years ago. We have had this discussion before and i stuck to the rule of using one account (mostly :P) "No Elo" was a great addition too, just like GF said. This should let you fool around with wonky strats you are developing in 1v1.

No i am really tempted to +1 this with all the smurfs i have had in the past, but am afraid some one will ban them all. Including another accounts for wich i bought kudo's :S
+1 / -0
Now my main is banned?

"Login denied: Banned
Banned until 3.7.2015 13:36:51 (match to Spaghetticus), reason: Smurf"

Is that intentional?

Edit: Seems to be an issue with weblobby. ZKL is letting me on fine.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
UserID issue. Not weblobby issue. Also, people not checking their bans issue.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
how do i even
+0 / -0
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