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what is higest mountain and deepest sea in this game map?

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9 years ago
and highest terraforming on land and sea. last time i make the space needle. my computer crashed :(
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Until map runs out of space i think?
+0 / -0
I'd have to guess the lowest would have to be either -9223372036854775808 or -2147483648 and highest being 2147483647 or 9223372036854775807. After you hit these points, my guess is you start falling up... lol.

Science will be done on this when I get a chance. Expect a new troll map with a terrible MS paint texture soon. I have to wonder what happens when you have a map thats 9223372036854775807 elmos high with -100 hardness and you decide to lob a nuke at it... does the engine merely crash or does it sink to the bottom because computers?

AN EVEN BETTER QUESTION: what happens when a pyro JUMPS on the map or if you have a roach cannon... do the units simply fall to hell because computers or what? Hahahaha... it'll probably be something boring but hey, its something to do! I'm already working on the texture map :D
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The highest mountain is the one on which Imperial Throne resides; anybody who claims otherwise is a heathen.

The deepest seas are on Dynasty's vile research stations; who knows what horrors lurk in their murky depths.
+3 / -0
Edit: I found something better to do than make actual maps. If you sharpen an image enough it makes funny boxes. Look at the fugly texture you can make!
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Pretty sure units use (some form of) float values for their coordinates while the map grid uses integers. I'd presume that the floats have a much wider value range, so merely jumping units around at maximum height shouldn't do much.

No hard sources for any of this though.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Floats have limited accuracy though; when adding a small number to a large number you might get the original large number. Presumably every map is Downcount v2 if you go far enough.
+0 / -0
Floats do have limited accuracy, but the integral part will be perfectly precise up to 16777215, and maps are usually about 8000-12000 elmos across and a few thousand high, so there's easily a few digits for floats in fractional.

The other option would be to simply have a float offset for the fractional part between integral map coordinates for units (using a double to combine them). Would guarantee accuracy of integral part up to ±2^31 or ±2^63.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
...just use a double?
+1 / -0