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can you do save games in offline mode?

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9 years ago
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9 years ago
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9 years ago
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9 years ago
Eventually. The current block is that this PR needs pulling: https://github.com/spring/spring/pull/172
+0 / -0

9 years ago
the answer is, u cannot right now.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'd click pull but not sure why you added allyTeam info in the projectile, you sure you didn't break something?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The allyTeam info is there because otherwise projectiles depend on their owner unit to check allyTeam for antinuke and shield interception. It seems that this works even for dead owners, the object is not destroyed? The owner is just used for allyTeam and wobble reduction based on XP for missiles.

I wanted to reconstruct nuke/antinuke interactions so the allyTeam of the projectiles needed to be set somehow. Setting a number in the projectile is much simpler than creating some owner unit to have an allyTeam. Also I think it makes sense for projectiles to have the allyTeam of the unit when it was fired.
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9 years ago
Just started with this game and love the look of it, but if I cannot save (and I cannot see how; please tell me if I'm being stupid) then it is of no use to me. I'm not going to play for an hour to lose the lot due to a silly mistake etc. Can anyone help?
+0 / -0
In theory you should just have to type /save nameofsavegame and /load nameofsavegame, but since the corresponding buttons seem to have been removed from the GUI, these functions are most likely not working properly...

See also this :

I'm going to try it out...
(EDIT : Erm, that is, after th tournament : http://www.twitch.tv/kaen_ )
(You can also directly spectate it by joining the "Tourney Room" - you can Spectate - Rejoin even if the game is in progress.)

P.S.: This is mostly a multiplayer game anyway, Zero-K specifically being designed more for short games than hours-long sieges.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Save is half implemented at best. The half complete system works as follows:
  • Type '/save filename' during the game,
  • Drag the file from Spring/Saves onto spring.exe to load the game.
The game loads instantly but some gamestate stuff is missing. The AI will get a bit confused, slow damage might disappear etc...

Another way to save/load is to use replays. A replay for each game you play is written to Spring/demos. Drag the file onto spring.exe to play. You can then use the replay controls to fast foward to the end of the game and type '/cheat' '/team 0' to re-enter your team and play on. This method takes a while to load long games (because you have to fast forward through the entire thing). I don't recommend it.

So #Meathead899 I think you have three options:
  • Use the '/save filename' text command for saves of dubious quality. It would speed things up if you reported issues with this system.
  • Use the replay interruption method.
  • Come back when save is properly supported (the news would at least reach Facebook, possibly elsewhere as well).

Another possibility is to try multiplayer (or not make silly mistakes?).
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9 years ago
Mistakes are how you learn :p
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9 years ago
I'd say multiplayer is definitely the best option. The game was mostly designed around PvP. Although I understand that some players prefer SP (I used to only play singleplayer or funmaps online in SC/WC3), I think ZK's SP really doesn't come anywhere close to multiplayer.
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