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Missing unit textures

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10 years ago

I'm playing Zero-K on Windows 7. Lately, I'm missing textures on some units and buildings. It seems to happen to different units in each game. I can't recall when this started to happen. The problem persisted after resetting the game settings.

This is a screenshot that shows an extreme case of this problem:

Where should I start looking for a solution? I am able and willing to do any and all debugging that is required, but I would appreciate some pointers from the developers on this :). I suspect that it is a driver related issue, but I'm not sure.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Well, I guess seeing which GFX you use and what driver version would already help a bit.

Also, an infolog.txt (uploaded to e.g. http://pastebin.com) might shed some light on the issue.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The log is here: http://www.gregor-mueckl.de/~gmueckl/infolog.txt

It should be the one from the game in which I took the screenshot. The hardware is described correctly in the log.

I've seen this problem only while spectating, not when actually playing. I also couldn't yet reproduce it when I ran Zero-K as a standalone game.

Also, I have seen instances of missing textures where the normal map was there, but the diffuse map wasn't.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
looks like you have NVIDIA 347.25 drivers. that dont look outdated, which is sometimes an issue. no idea from me :/
+0 / -0
10 years ago
No, updated driver to latest when I noticed the issue first, but it didn't change anything.

Not sure if it's a logic bug that affects how a unit is supposed to be displayed or a plain rendering bug.
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