I've been trying and trying to make a naval tutorial with the mission editor. The problem is that every trigger with a condition of "Unit Created", "Unit Finished", or "Unit Finished in Factory" doesn't work. The trigger executes immediately upon game start, no matter what.
Let me give an example: At the beginning of the scenario, the base has already been set up (metal, energy, a few turrets). I give the Commander orders to walk towards the sea, and throw up a GUI Message to the player. When the commander gets to the sea, I throw another message telling the player to build a shipyard.
And there is where I get stuck, because I want to detect when the shipyard is built, give it orders to build a Mariner, and so on. But since the unit built-created-finished triggers don't work, I'm stuck. I've looked through the other tutorials/missions, none of them seem to use those triggers. Do they just not work?