I wrote Deluxe [*] because I wanted all of that information while spectating. If it turned out to be useful to players in-game as well, so much the better, but making a better in-play player list was a secondary goal at best.
As Shadowfury333 and I have discussed a few times, what we really want (need!) is a great spectator interface. But that's a lot of work. Adding a few vital statistics to the player list was quick and easy. So that's what we've got, at least for now.
Even if Deluxe is causing lag spikes, /and/ nobody takes the time to figure out the reason and fix it, /even then/ it would still be better IMHO to just not make Deluxe the default (isn't that the case already?) rather than remove it from the repository entirely. Leaving it in the repo as shared code lets the handful of people with an interest in it continue to maintain it jointly. Otherwise, those of us who do find value in it would each keep it as our own separate local widgets, but not get the benefit of each others' improvements. That would be a loss to the community, even if only a small one.
And surely Shadowfury333 and I can't be the only two people interested in this kind of statistics, whether as players or specs. Right?
[*] I didn't "write" Deluxe. I just extended the existing Crude player list a little bit. All the real work had already been done by people much more talented than I.