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random idea for slasher

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13 years ago
What if the slasher was a lot faster, maneuverable, more damage and longer deploy time? So in general emphasize its role more. It think this could lead to an interesting game mechanic where you are repositioning all you slashers all the time. If they get caught by raiders they die (just like now).

Or the complete other way around where they become slow moving, slow deploying missile throwing turrets. both good at AA and ground. Like it is now but slower and more damage.

In any way it needs some sort of AA capability since the light vehicle plant doesn't have any at the moment. Is this a deliberate design choice or a unwanted side-effect of continues changes to the slasher (samson)

What do you think?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Let's say we make the slasher move slower and deploy slower. We have to buff it somehow to keep it balanced.

You can't increase the range. Its range is already very long and making it much longer will turn it into an artillery unit (outranging HLT).

Damage? I don't see the slasher as a high DPS unit though. It's a support truck, neither the shield nor the rapier.
Increasing its damage is liable to make a line of slashers able to fend off assault units, which it most certainly should not do.

So what should be changed?

What exactly do you see is the role of the slasher?
Note, I haven't gotten a straight answer from the devs for this question. I see it as deterrence and map control, low damage homing missiles with excellent range reads as "light units can't come here" to me.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Kinda agree light vehs dont have aa. Slashers well they suck, they nor cant chase nor do much damage against aa. But I guess nobody wants slasher wars like in BA.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
thing is that slashers don't scream light units cant go here but more, light units please come here. An equal amount of resources in raiders kills it. Every other unit beats is for its cost probably.

It is not that they're completely useless though.

If you have 2 they can fend of single glaives (note: that's 260 vs 65 metal) , that's how i use them, as mobile missile turrets you can shove them forward after the first minutes of the game. They can take out a lonely LLT or MT (with comm repair)
They need other units around them to function properly, either riots, a commander or a group of your own raiders.
And, admittedly, theyare good vs paralyze drones and light gunships.

I wouldn't increase their range either the range is fine.

Just make sure there are situations where they are good other then just 'meh' just worth the cost at best.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
This may sound bold, but why not merge the two vehicle factories into one and make it just as well rounded as the cloackies? I know this is hard to do, and that lab would have 3 types of assault tanks ravager, reaper, goliath, a bit silly XD

other random idea add copperhead to the light vehicles as well
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I like the distinction that vehicle facs have between light and heavy. Much more interesting than having just one vehicle fac imo!
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Lets just make all the vehicles faster. I'm not sure if vehicles are just too slow or if their retarded pathfinding is causing them to be too slow.

Slasher is a problem for buffing as, you'll have to believe me here, it has been ridiculously powerful against bots in the past and would be powerful again when pathing is fixed.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I believe you ;-) It is a tricky unit to balance properly. By increasing the deploy time you take away a lot of its effectiveness. They cant run away anyway atm.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
We could change it and give it 2 missles:

One missle have a low firing arc.
The second missle has an inverse firing arc and hits ground all the time while it is attacking ground units, but don't hit ground if it fires at targets in a higher altitude.

We have 2 inverse firing arcs, and one works only against air, but the behavior makes sense too me.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I want slasher to have a Reverse gear. It will be easier to micro if it could go backward immediately rather than sluggishly curving backward where reverse is more appropriate. Why can't vehicle reverse anyway??
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You never played CA in the days of swarms of Samson beamtrucks. They didn't have the slasher's bone-headed wreck-shooting behavior. On a flat map, people would just spam hundreds of these things and creep them forwards. It was pretty darned effective.

Siege-tank-style units create a problem that they're an all-in thing. Either you break them or you die. They can't retreat, so every fight is to-the-death.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
AoE units actually kill them fast. a Black Dawn took 3~4 one blow with little damage. A crabe can kills 3 one shot. And rushing warriors against slasher. Pyro also good against slasher. Outlaw+dirtbox also. Venom just dance around lots of stunned slashers.

Anti-swarm units is for killing slasher spam.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
zeus works also great, because slashers got very low HPs and it has a greater range than warrior, more HP/cost.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
To be fair Slasher was too powerful when the bot factories were not as well fleshed out.

Mobile slasher would single handedly beat cloakybots. It could run and kill Glaive well enough that too many Glaives were needed to deal damage, Zeus was not in the factory to soak damage and Hammer was worse than it is now. Slasher would just outrun everything else. A similar situation existed with Shieldbots as Thug was unshielded yet the only thing with enough health to do anything at all.

So Slasher may need a revaluation. I'd rather do it in a few months time when the next engine version is released and vehicle pathing is fixed because all vehicles will probably need to be rejiggered then.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
sounds like a sensable thing to do.

About siege-like units being an a in thing: I dont mind that. Slashers are rather cheap anyway and you can save half of them by moving one half and leave the other to be shot. As they are now they cant get away as well.

And of course Black Dawn kills them. They have huge HP + dmg cost 7 times as much and slashers wont move anyway XD

Random stat check: slashers dps is smaller then the Darts' (couls be that Dart is actually a lot better the i initillay thought)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I‘d rather hope the small missile become larger to deal more damage per shot. Even raise the price a bit, to 150-200 range.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I like the idea. I think I suggested to increase Slashers deploy time soon after it was added to the unit. The best buff to balance the higher deploy time would be faster and/or better tracking missiles and/or higher dps (this is currently something Slashers are good at @"buff strenghs, nerf weaknesses").

Slashers were only able to hard-counter cloakfac because it lacked the four counters Zeus, Hammer (was less accurate back then), Scythe, Sharpshooter (yes there is this many!!) and because newbies do not know how to use cloak+ticks.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You can balance it by giving slashers an arcing shot. =P

They take long time to deploy but can secure an area well afterwards.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
dont think to special. just make the slasher usable by moving!
Let the slasher shoot while moving, so they become a usefull unit
+0 / -0

13 years ago
That is just what it was before and why it was overpowered. It would make slashers into skirmishers with the range of AA. XTA had a long period where ppl only made AA trucks/bots because of this. I can asure you that it was no fun playing that style.
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