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Title: FFA: All welcome!
Host: CZrankNeon
Game version: Zero-K v1.2.12.3
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 318357
Started: 9 years ago
Duration: 63 minutes
Players: 6
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 18.8%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 8.2%

Team 3
Chance of victory: 59.5%

Team 4
Chance of victory: 1.4%

Team 5
Chance of victory: 12.2%


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9 years ago
my commanders randomly exploded soon after I took middle. I think that was a bug, I didn't see any enemy units in the replay.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Ctrl+d? Or skuttle?
+1 / -0
It's partly a bug, partly your own fault. You jumped two commanders onto the same spot, around that spot were solars and other buildings. When landing your two commanders pushed each other (because that's how Spring phsyics work), apparently dealt and received collision damage from the nearby solar and one another, maybe also the mex that was under construction.

For anybody watching the replay: the incident happened around 8 minutes and 10 seconds into the game on the southwestern "wing" of the central hill.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
bumped to death!
+0 / -0
I don't think that was it skasi. I've had that happen before in single player with only one commander and the buildings weren't that crowded. That time it was near the edge of the map, but this time it was right in the middle.

edit: although it plausibly could have been a 'squish' issue. That's kind of obnoxious.

Also, I ended the game with control+d, I didn't even have my commanders selected when that happened. They were just following global build. :P
+0 / -0
Yeah I checked, it definitely wasn't selfD, otherwise it would show some blinking red skulls on selected units when Shift is held.

That time it was near the edge of the map
Units take damage when leaving the map. Was your commander pushed by other units in that situation as well?

There's also a bug where units take damage just from running into map features like rocks. Happened to me once with a Glaive. Can be seen in this screencap, jump to 3:35.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
that time it was on titan duel, I don't think there are any rocks. He just happened to jump near the edge of the map. I think there was a mex there, maybe a solar, but they weren't all that crowded. There weren't any other units nearby that time either, just 1 com.
+0 / -0