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2-Faction PW?

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12 years ago
In current PW, there is ambiguity of attacker vs defender, especially regarding PW structures, but more broadly ([V] and [Pirate] fighting for [0K] worlds when they have their own border disputes, or [0K] and [NC] fighting for [V] worlds and just trading IP with eachother regardless of who wins). Most people also arent interested in trading IP to get planets, instead you have a lot of idle IP that just decays and never adds up to anything.

A 2-faction setup is probably worth trying for the next round. The problem with this is that balance may become more difficult, which will probably require mercenaries.

The question is what role should the mercenaries play? Should they be able to hold planets (regardless of which faction owns it, possibly they might have IP from both factions on one planet)? Should they just be paid out in exchange for their IP? (Automatically, since people dont care to make trade deals). Either way they need some way to spend the money- what sort of rewards should they be offered?

Possibly the sort of people who chose to play as mercenaries wont care about the outcome anyway and thus wont require any metagame motivation in order to try and win, but my feeling is that it would be good for them to be able to participate in some fashion.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
A balanced 2 faction PW would just be a stalemate, need 3 would be a gang up,
not enough players for a 5 factions that leaves 4 as the perfect number
kill old earth empire already,

Mercenaries might have more starting resources? or an extra builder at the start. or just give em a hat for their commander.

Alternatively let conscripts IP decay before IP from clans of the same faction?

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Mercenaries convert PW cash into xp on your account page. Disallowed for PW members (PW game should not be affected by external motivations).

I'd play PW all the time if that was the case. At least until I run out of commander unlocks. (Level 23 now and I have a few miserable commanders that aren't anything special. )

Or perhaps PW cash can be used to unlock a few recoloured units. Like planes with glowy exhaust (fireflies!) or the golden morty people like to talk about but I never ever see. Or special "hats" for your commander =P, like festive season.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Trading is being abused even by devs atm:
7 hours ago Saktoth[0K] has purchased 119 influence from [DrK]xponen on Gritah for 1 each.

0k is losing and suddenly you do this?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I don't see anything inherently wrong with that.

Free IP and planets from last season were removed, weren't they?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Dont highjack threads with stupid accusations.

I think more integration between the XP/unlock/level system and the PW system would be good. But I'm not sure that heavy incentives are even needed for mercenaries. The question is whether we want to let them own planets (The IP is still faction-related, depending on whose side they were fighting) or not. I'm tending towards not, because there are probably unforseen motivations that might conflict (the merc not caring which side holds his planet, as long as he gets to win battles there, and thus not defending it) and that mercenaries dont need exterior motivations.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If you want to simplify to having 2 factions mercs shouldn't be able to hold planets since that will mean the factions will have to war with mercenairies to gain certain planets, which seems undesirable in the current set up.
Personally I think, although this might be ambitious that there should be as much factions as the players desire. A system where you can create factions which are banded clans would be ideal in my opinion. BUT perhaps we don't have enough playerbase for that.

Not sure if this would work with balance since we would need an even spread of players on both factions. Maybe we s
hould just try and see what happens?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Meh, Im sorry Sak, but from previous experience(Heck from just watching this round) 2 faction just makes for too much of a chance for bandwagoning. At most Id drop it to 3 facs, although really I don't know how much of a difference it would make, being that the major expansion in this season is all due to one clan.

My Opinion on Mercs is that if they really want to play the map, they should do as Yog and Sprang did and make themselves a 1 peep clan. I mean...they aren't really Mercs anyway with the concriptions now, so going from "dude who is fighting for a fac with no credit to them" to "dude whos is a 1 person clan" is a small diff.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Four factions is a bad idea because it will ultimately become a 2v2. Two factions will become friendly, and the remaining two will have no choice but to team up against the first alliance. Eventually 1 pair will be killed off and there will only be 2 factions remaining with only half the playerbase allowed to participate.

There is the possibility of not allowing an attack unless at least one clan member is present to defend his clan's planet. So then two players couldn't play 1v1 just to kill all the structures on a third clan's planets. Although I can see that leading to the same problem as PW1, where you could defend a planet simply by refusing to play.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Unfought ships on a planet for > 3days RL auto-gains IP equal to 1 win?

Or maybe a shorter time.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
So there is nothing wrong with saktoth getting free IP all the time? Just looking through the logs and this has happened many times.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If its legal iam gonna do it too then
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah, lucky, waiting for both [0k] and [v] to be online in order to fight for our worlds isnt a reasonable prospect. Which is why 2 factions is the only way to go.

There are no mercs now, we'd have to re-add them: That's what im saying. Though it may be worthwhile conscripting some people just to get them involved (with 2 factions its a simple prospect anyway). Perhaps opt-out rather than opt-in, depending on the numbers this gets.

Mercs would'nt get independent IP and hold a planet as a 'merc planet'. They would get IP in their name for whatever faction they played with. So a merc might have 110 blue faction IP, and 90 red faction IP, on the same planet.

'As many factions as you like' is just an 'unlimited clan size' planetwars. It would have all the problems of the old PW, would be massively steamroller, and would be exclusionary rather than inclusive (if you're new to PW or havent joined one of the uberclans, you are on the bitch team).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How would 2 Factions be any better? I mean, all it takes is one finished season and the big clans all switching to one faction to cause just as much of a steamroll.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Factions are auto-assigned, of course. Clans dont chose them.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Wouldn’t it be a little bit boring just having 2 factions? It would lead the diplomatic system Ad absurdum. Having mercenaries is a nice Idea but not more than that. Correct me if I am wrong but this won’t fix the current problem. The PW game isn’t unbalanced just because of number of players who are playing or their skills. It’s unbalanced because of the amount of time the players are willing to spend on the game. If you join a PW game you always see a V Member online. You need a system where you don’t have that kind of handicap, if you just play 8 hours a week or so. You may accomplish that if you limit the possibility of sending ships to other planets to a fix number per week per person.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Eh, in that case Sak, I would test that with 5-Fac first, since at the current time they are not auto-assigned.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It wont fix all of PW's problems. It is meant to specifically fix the problems of:

A. Little to no diplomacy or IP trading is actually happening. The factions arent striking deals and making politics, instead (Because -every- player must be actively engaged in trading for it to work) most IP just sits around decaying.
B. Unrelated factions can fight for the control of a planet, so that no matter who is playing, the owner loses. Attacker vs defender is just not clear, especially in relation to PW structures.
C. There are Factions whose power is totally marginalized (Empire, for example). They cannot contribute to the outcome.

We actually want to reward actively playing, though we could probably afford to slow down turn progression and the exponentiality of the economy to make the pace a little more manageable.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think many factions is working a little better than 2 did.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
A to me is players fault, and shouldn't really be solved in such a way, but I will give you B and C, and if Auto-Assigned does sound like a reasonable idea. Diplomacy would preety much be dead although.
+0 / -0
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