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Keyboard Language switches ingame

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13 years ago
Hej Guys, Im pretty new here to the Zero-K community and im introducing myself with some kind of a stupid problem. every few games my keyboard language switches in the middle of a match into a different language, wich makes me play very bad, because i cant que anything up anymore, cant write labels etc.
This problem apears to be absolutely randomly, mostly i can resolve this with a lobbyrestart or with a pc restart.

Is there a way i could stop that from happening? or is there maybe a way to swith the keyboard language back ingame if this happens again?

thx to all who consider my problem
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13 years ago
Oh happened to me too last night! Gawd I felt completely useless.
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13 years ago
yeah, happens to me all the time as well.

For me hitting shift+ctrl fixes it (using windows 7) That cycles through your installed keyboardlayouts :S
+0 / -0
13 years ago
im gonna just try it,

but im actually using windows xp, and i checked some times, when it happens ingame on the desktop if the overall windows keyboard layout changed too.
I found out that the keyboardlayout switched only in spring not in windows.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
ok i tried it, and the shift+ctrl thing doesnt work, but like i said the problems appears randomly not after i pressed some keykombinations or so.

but thx for the tipp anyway
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Have you checked whether it occurs if you don't touch anything? Otherwise it may be some obscure key combination you accidentally press while doing multiple things...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
FOund this on the windows site, maybe it's usefull:

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13 years ago
Allright! Removing the language hotkey looks like a genuine fix. Thanks Pinguinpanic!
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13 years ago
I had the same problem every now and then.

Yeah, remove the keyboard layout change hotkey in windows and you should be all set. (Just assign the empty hotkey to it).

The real problem is ofcourse Microsoft who seem to think that people can simultaneously have different keyboard layouts. So what if I am Dutch and like to input text in the Dutch language every now and then, I still have a US keyboard and not a Dutch one!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
hej guys thx for all the help.
but let me pls clarify, the windows keyboard layout is NOT changing, it is changing only in spring, when i switch back to desktop its still the default german layout im used to.

I checked it and its not occuring because im pressing some kind of wired key combination, yesterday i was spectating a game, and i made some labels with my default label key, then i went up to get a beer from the fridge and when i came back the layout was changed, and im freaking sure no one pressed anything while i was absent.

Inspired by the link of Pinguinpanic, i looked around a bit and realized that i got two installed keyboard languages, GER and US.

Actually i need the US Layout from time to time but decided to uninstall it, when i play spring and to reinstall it when i need to use the US layout in private.

Since then the whole thing seems to work quite nice.
Its still a bit annoying to switch the language manually all the time.

Perhaps i should maybe submit some logs or more data about my computer to solve this problem nicely, but i dont know wich one whould be useful, maybe someone from the developers or anyone who knows could tell me wich data might help?

thx to anyone and sry for my english

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