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Echo's ramblings

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14 years ago
Was talking in /zk today got a couple of problems sorted but came across a few that still need fixing or implementing. Commence list of questions:

Why is Zero-k Lobby so slow for loading the zerok website?
Why is Zero-k.info so slow to load even in a normal browser?
why does Zero-K lobby have that white background everywhere?(tis ugly)
Is it just me or is autohost broken in zero-k Lobby?
Why cant Zero-K lobby support multiple AI in a match? you can add as many as you like to the lobby but as soon as the game starts ZK Lobby only starts one ai.
Why is CAI unable to gauge what units to start with? some maps are simply impossibly to use vehicles on, and cloaky bots have very limited use. Air is the only way to attack at the start of the game (and end game unless you terra form) yet CAI still makes hundreds of vehicles.
why is there no local map browser for Zero-K lobby? (as in maps i already have downloaded)
It would be nice if autohost had a !maplist *name fragment here* and it displayed all maps with that name in. Ex: "!map eye" returns Dragons_eye. "!map Eye of horus" returns Eye_of_Horus however it wont give me the V2 unless i state "!map eye of horus v2", !maplist would tell me all the maps with that in the name especially good for those like tabula which is up to V4 now?

Or better yet, simply have a "Maps" tab at the top, with the ability to select a local already downloaded map, or search the database.

Are Aircraft and gunships unfinished? they have no morphs which saddens me (great feature of the cloaky bots btw)and Aircraft feel underpowered late game unless theyre massed against single targets. (which just looks ungainly imo)

Both factories feel good to start with but rapidly loose offensive power until either 1) massed bombers on single target raids or 2) mass crows. Other than that, either im playing them wrong, or they suck.

I also had a suggestion in regards to rank (not a fan of the ranked by hours thing though thats a relic from spring lobby?)

Anyway, my idea was to use ELO and Total XP to assign a rank to someone. First few ranks are exp based, but once you get about 1/4 of the way up the chain you have to have greater than a certain elo to progress. Although this might promote more unsavory tatics such as rampant quitting when youre loosing and other things that already exist albiet in small numbers. (admittedly stole this idea from Halo3)

If you read all that you probably think me a bit of an ass for going out and saying "i dont like XYZ" but thats peoples opinions for you.
+0 / -0

14 years ago
> Why is Zero-k Lobby so slow for loading the zerok website?
The quality of your internet connection to Europe and the server.

> Why is Zero-k.info so slow to load even in a normal browser?
As above.

> why does Zero-K lobby have that white background everywhere?(tis ugly)
The way your system is set up. Try updating Internet Explorer (I had this and installing IE7 worked)

> Is it just me or is autohost broken in zero-k Lobby?
No? How?

> Why cant Zero-K lobby support multiple AI in a match?
Licho has not got around to that yet.

> Why is CAI unable to gauge what units to start with?
Because it is incomplete. Parsing the map is hard and I am not sure how worthwhile it is as surely you could play a different map.

> why is there no local map browser for Zero-K lobby?
Because you download maps so fast there is little point in creating a distinction between maps you have and maps you don't. If you really want to see which maps you have check documents\My Games\Spring\maps.

> It would be nice if autohost had a !maplist
They do, the command is !listmaps.

> Or better yet, simply have a "Maps" tab at the top,
There is a Maps tab at the top.

> Are Aircraft and gunships unfinished?
Morphs were added years ago when aircraft were different. Morphing isn't a particularly strong feature so noone has updated it much. There is no reason air could not morph, just noone has been bothered to add it.

> Both factories feel good to start with but rapidly loose offensive power
Air can still be very useful late, have you tried the EMP bomber? Of course if your opponents have made too much AA you will have trouble using air but if that is the case you should be able to beat them with ground. In other cases you might be using them wrong.

> I also had a suggestion in regards to rank
What rank? If you mouse over someone it says "Experience > X hours" and if they are in the top 10 it gives shows their rank there.
+0 / -0
14 years ago
>Try updating Internet Explorer
Will do, mostly on firefox so havent touched IE, probably still on IE 4 or something.

>> Is it just me or is autohost broken in zero-k Lobby
When i open a match autohost just doesnt start for me, i can wait 5 mins with that "waiting for autohost to start" bar sat there but nothing happens (having to switch to spring lobby to play games (then swap back when i want to idle/browse/use rapid)

>Surely you could play a different map.
I could, but i wouldn't mind being able to play on a variety of maps. (Lava and two hills has been a favorite between me and friends so when i found the AI couldnt play it i was a little dismayed.

>Because you download maps so fast.
Eh, its just a feature i appreciated of SL and missed in ZKL.

>Air can still be very useful late
They still feel a very auxiliary force which is easily compensated for (radar and a chainsaw/hacksaw or two)

>What rank?
the one just to the left of your name, and right of your flag on the forum (also shown in the lobby too)
+0 / -0
14 years ago
Ive updated internet explorer which fixed that problem in the lobby.

Autohost is still a bit problematic though. I havent had any issues since i upgraded IE (perhaps that was the problem?) but i have seen a few other people with the same issue of autohost not starting correctly for them.

Also: Since creating start boxes in ZKL can be extreme trial and error if a good config isnt on ZKL's resource (which i was linked to but not sure where it is not) could we get a second window to set them up SL style, because trial and error on the tiny preview is a bit annoying (or atleast let us hover over sections of the map to get co-ordinates)

Also is there a possibility of getting the map previewer in an overlay style?
perhaps add a button for hovers, vehicles, bots. so you can see where they can go on the preview?

Just two suggestions that came to mind while idling
+0 / -0