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Title: BIG TEAMS: Newbies welcome!
Host: CZrankHydrogen
Game version: Zero-K v1.0.5.4
Engine version: 88.0
Battle ID: 75623
Started: 12 years ago
Duration: 16 minutes
Players: 21
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 40.3%
XP gained: 52
LTrank[pikts]wolas died in 18 minutes
ESrankElTorero died in 16 minutes
CZrankAdminLicho died in 18 minutes
SErankGreenPixel died in 18 minutes
NLrank[NC]Gretchen died in 11 minutes
DErankTEPMUHATOP died in 18 minutes
CHrankMilando died in 18 minutes
HUrankRorgan died in 14 minutes
USrankduwap died in 17 minutes
CArankPartyMix died in 18 minutes
unknownrankZeroKay died in 12 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 59.7%
XP gained: 63

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Page of 2 (23 records)
12 years ago
Wolas and warlok deserve a ban for playing like this
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Wtf they cant even do newton ramp properly.
(With proper ramp you can launch sumo over whole map with just 9 newtons)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
People deserve ban for !voteresign when it is not over (on the previous game we played) This voteresign is nonsense, removes all fun, there is plenty games when voteresign almost passes, but we still somehow manage to win.

You voteresign I troll simple.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I did not voteresign nor voted for the vote resign in the previous game. Add to that that it was a different team altogether wolas. I know, because I was on the opposing side in that game.

You and warlok, in this game, screwed your teammates - different teammates - on purpose. If you dont want to play because you are angry, fine, dont play, spectate, go read a book, do something else.

In this game you take the fun out of your teammates' game, different teammates than the game you got so angry about.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Meh gretchen it was fun launching units with newtons who said it wasnt fun again majority liked that idea it doesnt matter that you didint :P They even donated some heavy tanks ;)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That some of your teammates are clueless nubs (Kristis to be exact, he was the only one that gave you a thumbs up and from whom you received 1 and exactly 1 tank to throw, not 'some heavy tanks') still does not justify you and warlok throwing the game like that.

So, you had fun and guess what, quite a few of your teammates did not have fun at all due to your antics. Because the majority did not like what you were doing. Only after they had already resigned did one additional person find it 'funny'. The rest was either too busy, could not be bothered or were pissed off, the latter category including me, but I certainly was not the only one.

Normally, you play a lot better than this and now you and warlok just trolled. Warlok, we know he likes to troll, but you, wolas, I had expected better from you.

You should have just resigned from the start, or called a vote for exit.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
There was another game (before or after this game) where we spammed dirtbags, write something on it too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That's the beauty of online gaming, people get to choose what they do in each and every game.

If you don't like how people play the game then stop playing with them.

If i want to play a game where i launch units across the map using a ramp and newtons, that's exactly what i am going to do.

If you want to be able to control what other people do, don't play in a public game lobby.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Meh, I dont care ... what amazes me is that wolas wont even admit to the fact that he willingly and purposefully threw the game. Dirtbags is sometimes a valid strategy. Throwing non-jumping coms through the air isnt.

And pantifax, I dont get to choose who to play with: the juggler / ELO balancing system decides who I play with. And from you, I'd maybe expect you to do something nubbish like that. And from your very observation I can almost nearly conclude you are not a teamplayer. Go find yourself another game or play 1v1 or FFA.

So, if people carry stuff over from previous games, is it okay if I skuttle wolas's coms if I am on the same team as him? No, it isnt.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>> You voteresign I troll simple.

Threw game mhm... How I alone can determine game outcome, I didint killed or harmed teamates or something.

You know sometimes those troll strategies are valid tactics too ;) But unfortunately last game we couldnt launch sumo properly ;) And I had many games when such sumo drops wins games.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
> Threw game mhm... How I alone can determine game outcome, I didint killed or harmed teamates or something

Ofcourse, you can. You alone had 2 coms to start with and were aided by W4RL0K when he came back into the game 1.5 minute after the game had started. Almost the first thing you did is start morphing your com. You hoped you had both of your plopped factories placed so that no unit would be able to exit. Then you proceed to eat metal and energy to build ramp and rush sumos. Warlok, in the mean time, produced an array of newtons.

All units thrown were immediately at half health and none even made cost, with the exception of 1 pyro who killed 5 mexes behind enemy lines.

It was 11 vs 10, so you and warlok - both among the better players - stole our team of 3/11 of metal and energy that could have been made to make useful instead of useless units. 15% of team metal and E income down the drain = loss.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
And what you would say if those sumos would have won game? m?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You're being a little intelectually dishonest here Gretchen and also i don't appreciate you trying to make this personal by asserting that you know who i am as a person.

You can control who you play with to a certain degree as the lobbies clan balance. If enough people cared they could go and make their own room and only allow "serious players" in it. That would be nice but everyone is too busy bitching and not prepared to do anything about it.

The fundamental problem with this community is that there are too many people who get upset that they loose and so throw their toys out the pram and find some way to influence other people into putting mechanisms in place that give the illusion of a solution but really just make everything unmanageable.

I agree with you in that i would like to play a game and win, or lose but not because my team mate did something really unhelpful. But you're never going to be able to control how people play or what they do because the people in charge have turned this into the wild west where anyone can do anything whether you want it or not providing their are enough people to vote for it.

I think a lot of these issues would be fixed if people just hosted their own rooms without all this voting bullshit.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
>>Wolas and warlok deserve a ban for playing like this

Well, then all the nubs deserve a ban for not specing 99999 games before playing, because they are useless like wolas and me in this game...

Actually I started to troll because wolas had put his fac in front of mine when i hadn't joined yet, so i couldnt build units...
They also had godde and 1 player less, so probably godde or another pro took an extra com (i haven't seen the replay)

That game was lost when teams were made, so we decided to have some fun with it. You cannot ban people for flaying bad
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Liar! Pewee got from factory without any problem. And that was not intendet I accidentally misclicked few times and thats why those factories were united.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
> That game was lost when teams were made, so we decided to have some fun with it.
So 11 v 10 with Godde on the team of 10, Godde gets extra com = loss? Dont even have to fight for it? Just roll over and play dead? Or insta-resign?

> You cannot ban people for flaying bad

No, but you can ban them for failing bad on purpose and thereby depriving the rest of their teammates from having any fun.

I was too busy dealing with Godde and failing badly at that to even notice what you two were doing, but if I had, I would have resigned on the spot.

And btw. I did watch the replay and noticed you two blatantly disregarded cries for help from your fellow teammates, to quote:

"Don't worry, we have a ramp"

And @ pantifax, you have no idea how clan balancing works if you think that is going to help not to play with some people on the same team. And why I am (mildly) upset is that usually wolas is a serious player and quite reliable and dependable.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Geeeez, Gretchen, right now you're overreacting more than wolas and W4RL0K did. You can't just ban anybody for playing "bad" on purpose. There's no way of telling how serious players take a game. Arguing with elo is not possible either, 'cause playing bad on purpose is counted for.

By the way, as far as I know Springie will try to put you and your clan mates into the same team when juggling and balancing, so you've got a tiny small bit of control over which teammates you get. You should probably make use of this! :]
+0 / -0
12 years ago
So I cant have fun sometimes :( I must change this serious player image so I wont break any expectations LOL

If you watched replay read messages before game starts I played seriously previous game and my team vote resigned before we lost so I say screw them now you can resign again ;)

And what really pissed me off was licho with his: "we had only quarter eco". Dosnt matter that all our main bases was okay? we even had bigger frontline in middle if it was that bad why we werent squashed it wasnt like there was porcastle everywhere. And anyway who cares about eco we had krow almost built that could change things A lot. But all that matters who has more fusions according to licho.

Almost each game some idiot !voteresigns when he lost com or his base gets destroyed or something, and if there is more such idiots and if you are really busy and didint notice that vote and it passes then everybody is like WTF, why? <-- this is problem.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Licho pushed too aggresively with his com and a few units, they all died, and his factory got skuttled.
Then he started stupid !voteresign two times, ignoring the fact that whole rest of our team was completely intact and that we had superior eco with 2 early morphed moho geos. Fortunately both votes failed but Licho still was like "We lost and you know this"...
For the rest of the battle our team had quite an advantage and we won it eventually.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
No, Rafal, it was this battle http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/75617 that wolas was so pissed about.

I agree with wolas that Licho was way too early with calling !voteresign there and that this !voteresign thing is a becoming a bit of a problem. Too often you get in the situation that someone who just lost his base or uber com calls a voteresign which goes by unnoticed by most of his teammates because, yes, they are too busy.

Dont know whether the alternative (kicking someone who refuses to budge even though the game is long over) is a good solution either.

My gripe with this battle was that wolas shouldnt have carried it over to the next battle.

And yeah, ban is probably overreacting too :)
+0 / -0
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