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Host: CZrankSpringie7
Game version: Zero-K v0.8.6.1
Engine version: 0.82.7
Battle ID: 7379
Started: 13 years ago
Duration: 31 minutes
Players: 2
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Won!
Chance of victory: 50%
XP gained: 202
Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 50%
XP gained: 164
USrank[ACP]ScarySquirrel died in 31 minutes

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13 years ago
That was quite the game.
I held my own, but oheinan got through eventually. Still, I did prove the toughness of tanks.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
well you made 2 small mistakes
but they combined making a huge one
1) you went tanks - thats not a fail mistake but..,.
2) you let me capture and make firebase in a only single small passage where your tanks can drive
+0 / -0
13 years ago
[2.15 AM] Oheinan well you made 2 small mistakes
[2.15 AM] Oheinan bot they combined making a huge one
[2.15 AM] Oheinan 1) you went tanks
[2.16 AM] Oheinan 2) you let me capture and make firepoint in a only single small passage where your tanks can operate
[2.16 AM] ScarySquirrel Tanks were a bit of a gamble.
[2.16 AM] Oheinan and i got 3 geo spots 3 metal and your comm wreck for free
[2.16 AM] ScarySquirrel Post that as a comment on the game.
[2.16 AM] ScarySquirrel for posterity.
[2.17 AM] ScarySquirrel well, you didn't get my comm till the end
[2.17 AM] Oheinan tryed 3 times xD
[2.17 AM] ScarySquirrel How? We will never know.
[2.17 AM] Oheinan it survived roach
[2.17 AM] ScarySquirrel Sheer luck.
[2.17 AM] Oheinan first
[2.17 AM] Oheinan then it survived licho
[2.17 AM] Oheinan and then firebombers
[2.17 AM] ScarySquirrel i loled at that
[2.17 AM] ScarySquirrel i had him dodge to the side at the last minute
[2.17 AM] ScarySquirrel >.>
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