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Title: PlanetWars online campaign [engine84.f]
Host: CZrankPlanetWars
Game version: Zero-K v0.9.2
Engine version: 84.f
Battle ID: 42003
Started: 13 years ago
Duration: 51 minutes
Players: 16
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual

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13 years ago
Great game to watch. Highlights include a bandit-launcher that makes use of the reduced fall damage in the new engine to put bandits behind enemy lines, dominatrix push on the bottom of the map and an awesome comeback from the east side where they were on the brink of being destroyed but pulled it out in the end.
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13 years ago
Don't forget the drop that caused all this. :P
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13 years ago
Why is there no replay button....
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah, Godde took a dropped player. But this is obvious, 99% of games are decided by the awful players on the team, not the good ones. Just how team games work.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I was talking about Rafal dropping and no one realizing it. I think it's why we lost.
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