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Title: TEAMS: All welcome!
Host: CZrankSpringiee
Game version: Zero-K v1.1.4.4
Engine version: 94.1
Battle ID: 165762
Started: 11 years ago
Duration: 38 minutes
Players: 16
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Won!
Chance of victory: 52.1%
XP gained: 74
CHrankHanibal1997 died in 28 minutes
Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 47.9%
XP gained: 59
PLrankRafalpluk died in 39 minutes
CArankTheMooseIsLoose died in 39 minutes
PLrankFailer died in 39 minutes
PLrankkapsi died in 39 minutes
SErankcleanrock died in 35 minutes
USrankfdge died in 40 minutes
USrankCrakKCRacKKrAkK died in 40 minutes
CHrankOrderofSilver died in 39 minutes

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let em bring the detri to us, so we can kill it, rez it and kill 'em all. very good strategy!

edit: oh and to make them think we are defeated, let them bomb our singufarm in the meantime. we rezzed too. muhaha!
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detriment mode adds more options for strategy then I initially expected it to. some guy on our team asked where the detriment was and I was all like "it's been dead for like half an hour pay attention nab!" only to see the rezzed detriment being transported under enemy control a few seconds later... definitely an oh shit moment.
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