Cloakbot Factory

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Cloaky Bot Factory
Produces Cloaky Robots
Cost 600
Hit Points 4000
Mass 358
Energy (E/s) +0.3
Vision Radius (elmo) 273
Build Power 10


Emphasizing guile over brute force, the Cloaky Bot Factory makes good use of stealth, mobility and EMP weapons to strike at the enemy's weak points.

The Cloaky Bot Factory builds:

Tactics and Strategy

Compared to units from other factories Cloaky Bots tend to be faster and cheaper, but have lower health and range. The specialist Tick, Scythe, Sniper, Gremlin and Eraser units are cloaked (or in the latter case provide a cloaking field), allowing for more stealthy strategies. Cloaky Bots should use their mobility and stealth to attack only where and when they have the advantage.

Owing to its lack of tough, high-weight units, Cloaky Bots tend to fall off in power as a factory used on its own in the late-game. Nevertheless, in combination with the raw strength of a different factory like Amphibious Bots, Heavy Tanks or Striders, the utility and subtlety of the Cloaky Bots remains very powerful.

Example Unit Combinations

Lay traps for groups of enemy units with Ticks, then use Glaives to quickly destroy the stunned enemies.

Engage an enemy at long range with Rockos or Hammers, while protecting them from faster units with Glaives or Warriors.

Use an Eraser in combination units that inflict lots of damage but are slow, flimsy or short-ranged like Warriors, Roaches, Scalpels or Scallops.

Have some escort units standing by to protect your Spectres if the enemy tries to find them.