Difference between revisions of "Revenant"

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| cost = 900
| cost = 900
| hitpoints = 3400
| hitpoints = 3400
| mass = 379
| movespeed = 135
| movespeed = 135
| turnrate = 140
| turnrate = 140

Revision as of 00:42, 14 January 2017

The Revenant is a heavy raider/assault gunship from the Gunship Plant.

Black Dawn
Heavy Raider/Assault Gunship
Cost 900
Hit Points 3400
Movement Speed (elmo/s) 135
Turn Rate (deg/s) 140
Vision Radius (elmo) 585
Rocket Salvo
Damage 220.5 × 8
Reload Time (s) 9
Damage per Second 196
Range (elmo) 300
Area of Effect (elmo) 48
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 250
Homing (deg/s) 7.7
Wobbly (maximum, deg/s) 44


The Black Dawn fires a volley of unguided rockets. It has high HP and a huge damage output, but is expensive and inaccurate, especially vs moving targets. It is best for taking on clumps of base structures, slow moving or stationary units. The Black Dawn should disengage between volleys to minimize damage taken.